Sunday, May 31, 2009

Chanakya's Quotes Worth Learning

"A person should not be too honest.
Straight trees are cut first and
Honest people are screwed first."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC 275BC)


"Even if a snake is not poisonous,
it should pretend to be venomous."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"The biggest guru-mantra is:
Never share your secrets with anybody.
! It will destroy you."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"There is some self-interest behind every friendship.
There is no Friendship without self-interests.
This is a bitter truth."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC -275 BC)

"Before you startsome work,
always ask yourself three questions -
Why am I doing it, What the results
might be and Will I be successful.
Only whenyou think deeply and find
satisfactory answers to these questions, goahead."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)


"Assoon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)


"Onceyou start working on something,
don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it.
People who work sincerely are the happiest."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"Thefragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind.
But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"citizens never support a
weak company andbirds don't build nests on a tree that doesn't bear fruits."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"Godis not present in idols. Your feelings are your God. The soul isyour temple."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"Aman is great by deeds, not by birth."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275BC)

"Never makefriends with people who are above or below you in status.
Such friendships will never give you any happiness."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"Treatyour kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next
five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a
friend. Your grown upchildren are your best friends."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275BC )

"Books are asuseful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person."
Chanakya quotes (Indian politician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)

"Educationis the best friend. An educated person is respected
everywhere. Education beats the beauty and the youth."
Chanakya quotes (Indianpolitician, strategist and writer, 350 BC-275 BC)



Leadership Self-Assessment

Take a minute to look at yourself as a leader. Do you have the qualities to make a valuable leader to your group? Review the leadership qualities and put yourself to the test. After you have looked at yourself as a leader, answer the following questions

Attributes . . .

  • Do I view problems as opportunities?
  • Am I a priority setter?
  • Am I customer focused?
  • Am I courageous?
  • Am I a critical and creative thinker?
  • What is my tolerance for ambiguity?
  • Am I positive attitude towards change?
  • Am I committed to innovations that are best for children?

Skills . . .

  • Do I debate, clarify, and enunciate my values and beliefs?
  • Can I fuel, inspire, and guard the shared vision?
  • Can I communicate the strategic plan at all levels?
  • Do I recognize the problems inherent to the planning process?
  • Do I ask the big picture questions and "what if"?
  • Can I support the school staff through the change process?
  • Do I encourage dreaming and thinking the unthinkable?
  • Can I align the budget, planning, policies and instructional programs with the district goals and vision?
  • Do I engage in goal setting?
  • Can I develop and implement action plans?
  • Do I practice and plan conscious abandonment?
  • Do I transfer the strategic planning process to planning?

Knowledge . . .

  • Do I know board and superintendent roles and responsibilities in planning and implementing plans?
  • Do I know the strategic planning process, short and long term planning tools?
  • Do I know the board and district vision, beliefs, and mission?
  • Do I know the relationship of the budget to district planning?
  • Do I know local, state, and national factors that affect education?
  • Do I know the best practices and research on improving academic achievement?
  • Do I know the process of change and paradigm shifts?
  • Do I know the strategies to involve and communicate with the community?

What trait were you proud to say describes you?

Was there any trait you would not consider desirable?

What trait are your trying to make more descriptive of you?

Tools For Improved Advocacy

State your assumptions, and describe the data that led to them

  • Explain your assumptions
  • Make your reasoning explicit
  • Give examples of what you propose, even if they are hypothetical or metaphorical
  • As you speak, try to picture the other person's perspectives on what you are saying
  • Publicly test your conclusions and assumptions

What to say:

  • Here's what I think and here's how I got there
  • I assumed that…
  • I came to this conclusion because…
  • If I enter a classroom this is what I might see…
  • What do you think about what I just said?

Tools For Improved Inquiry

Gently find out what data they are operating from.

  • Use unaggressive language, ask in a way that does not provoke defensiveness.
  • Draw out their reasoning. Find out as much as you can about why they are saying what they are saying.
  • Check your understanding of what they have said.
  • Listen for new understanding that may emerge. Don't just be thinking about your response.

What to say

  • What leads you to conclude that?
  • What causes you to say that?
  • Instead of "What's your proof?" say, "Can you help me understand your thinking here?"
  • What is the significance of that?
  • How does this relate to your other concern?
  • Can you describe a typical example?
  • Am I correct that you're saying….

Tools for when you are at an impasse

Embrace the impasses, and tease apart the current thinking.

  • Look for information that will help people move forward.
  • Ask what logic or data might change their views.
  • Avoid speaking from a different point of view.

What to say:

  • What do we know for a fact?
  • What don't we know?
  • What do we agree upon, and what do we disagree upon?
  • What, then would have to happen before you would consider alternatives?

Individual Self-Assessment

  • Journal keeping
  • Portfolios of selected documents produced in the course of their work
  • Performance indicators related to goals and activities of professional plan
  • Surveys
  • Mentors as "critical friends"

Leadership Behavior

1. Establish a clear direction

a. Envision the future

b. Focused attention

c. Articulate values

d. Enlist others

2. Communicate, communicate, communicate

a. Provide meaning

b. Utilize all forms

c. "Fire in belly"

3. Position the Organization

a. Build trust (encourage the heart)

b. Reliability and constancy

c. Plan small wins

d. Recognize contributions

e. Celebrate accomplishments

4. Development of self

a. Set the example (walk like you talk)

b. Positive self-regard

c. Focus on winning

d. Search for opportunities

e. Experiment and take risks

5. Empower followers/members

a. Establish clear buy-in

b. Foster collaboration

c. Develop a supportive environment

The tasks of leadership:

  • Leaders establish vision and set direction
  • Leaders affirm and articulate values
  • Leaders have high standards and high expectations
  • Leaders are accountable
  • Leaders motivate
  • Leaders achieve unity
  • Leaders involve others indecision-making
  • Leaders serve as role models
  • Leaders listen and explain
  • Leaders represent the organization
  • Leaders guide constituents and maintain their support


Dealing with Conflict

Conflict occurs when individuals or groups are not obtaining what they need or want and are seeking their own self-interest. Sometimes the individual is not aware of the need and unconsciously starts to act out. Other times, the individual is very aware of what he or she wants and actively works at achieving the goal.

About conflict:

  • Conflict is inevitable;
  • Conflict develops because we are dealing with people's lives, jobs, children, pride, self-concept, ego and sense of mission or purpose;
  • Early indicators of conflict can be recognized;
  • There are strategies for resolution that are available and DO work;
  • Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved.

Beginnings of conflict:

  • Poor communication
  • Seeking power
  • Dissatisfaction with management style
  • Weak leadership
  • Lack of openness
  • Change in leadership

Conflict indicators:

  • Body language
  • Disagreements, regardless of issue
  • Withholding bad news
  • Surprises
  • Strong public statements
  • Airing disagreements through media
  • Conflicts in value system
  • Desire for power
  • Increasing lack of respect
  • Open disagreement
  • Lack of candor on budget problems or other sensitive issues
  • Lack of clear goals
  • No discussion of progress, failure relative to goals, failure to evaluate the superintendent fairly, thoroughly or at all.

Conflict is destructive when it:

  • Takes attention away from other important activities
  • Undermines morale or self-concept
  • Polarizes people and groups, reducing cooperation
  • Increases or sharpens difference
  • Leads to irresponsible and harmful behavior, such as fighting, name-calling

Conflict is constructive when it:

  • Results in clarification of important problems and issues
  • Results in solutions to problems
  • Involves people in resolving issues important to them
  • Causes authentic communication
  • Helps release emotion, anxiety, and stress
  • Builds cooperation among people through learning more about each other;
  • joining in resolving the conflict
  • Helps individuals develop understanding and skills

Techniques for avoiding and/or resolving (board-superintendent) conflict:

  • Meet conflict head on
  • Set goals
  • Plan for and communicate frequently
  • Be honest about concerns
  • Agree to disagree - understand healthy disagreement would build better decisions
  • Get individual ego out of management style
  • Let your team create - people will support what they help create
  • Discuss differences in values openly
  • Continually stress the importance of following policy
  • Communicate honestly - avoid playing "gotcha" type games
  • Provide more data and information than is needed
  • Develop a sound management system



Overcoming Obstacles to Change

There are several recurring reasons for resistance to change:

  • The purpose is not made clear.
  • The participants are not involved in the planning.
  • The appeal is based on personal reasons.
  • The habit patterns of the work group are ignored.
  • There is poor communication regarding a change.
  • There is fear of failure.
  • Excessive work pressure is involved.
  • The cost is too high, or the reward for making the change is seen as inadequate.
  • The present situation seems satisfactory.
  • There is a lack of respect and trust in the change initiator.


The following are some tips on facing barriers and challenges in the change process.

  • Expect resistance.
  • Explain the rationale for change.
  • Choose your opening moves carefully.
  • Provide a clear vision.
  • Seek opportunities to involve people.
  • Promise "problems".
  • Over-communicate.
  • Beware of bureaucracy.
  • Wear your commitment on your sleeve.
  • Alter the reward system to support improvement.
  • Get resistance out in the open.
  • Make sure people have the know-how.
  • Track behavior and measure results.
  • Outrun the resisters.
  • Taking the Fear out of Change (from Leadership and Technology)

    Ask yourself the following questions to understand and address fear of change:

    • How can the school board help facilitate others in the change process?
    • How does the school board facilitate those people involved in moving to technology-based teaching and learning?


    The number-one skill to have today, bar none, is the ability to change. People who are receptive to change see in it opportunities for greater happiness at work and in their personal lives.

    People have varying levels of difficulty with change. Some with only mild difficulty can read a book or take a class and they are off and running. Others have moderate difficulty and need more emotional support. For others, change is extremely difficult, and may be seemingly impossible.

    According to psychologist Dennis O'Grady, the ability to change is related to a combination of five fears that O'Grady says can choke the ability to change:

    1. Fear of the Unknown—The unspoken message from society says that when change occurs, you will lose control.
    2. Fear of Failure—If I commit myself to goals for change, there is a chance for failure.
    3. Fear of Commitment—Commitment forces an answer to tough questions. "What do I really want?" Commitment to one option is not always fun because it eliminates other options.
    4. Fear of Disapproval—If I change, I risk having people say they like me better the way I was. Your own change also forces others to change in relationship to you.
    5. Fear of Success—If I change, what other demands will be make of me? Can I sustain this success?

    Tip: Brainstorm ideas of how the board can help people with personal change.

    When working with larger systems, such as school districts, force field analysis provides a useful approach to preparing for and working with resistance to change. It goes as follows: (WSSDA)


    • Pinpoints driving and restraining forces your team will want to consider before solutions are implemented.
    • Identifies solutions that allow driving forces to predominate over restraining forces.


    1. Identify a solution.
    2. Brainstorm restraining forces, as well as driving forces in its implementation.
    3. Evaluate both forces in terms of impact/changeability.
    4. Develop strategies to remove or decrease restraining forces, starting with the easily changed, high-impact ones.
    5. Develop strategies to strengthen driving forces, striving for win/win solutions.
    6. Translate these strategies to action plans: Who? What? When? Where? How?
    7. Develop plan to evaluate the effectiveness of your action plan, once implemented.


    • Clarifying understanding of the environment in which your solution will be implemented.
    • Identifying key elements that can realistically be altered.
    • Developing a systematic strategy and an action plan for implementation.
    • Creating criteria for evaluating solution effectiveness.

    Types of resistance to change

    • Positive Resister: agrees with new ideas and programs, but never moves to implement any changes
    • Unique resister: believes each change is find for other areas but not for his or her "unique" situation
    • Let-me-be-last resister: hopes new ideas and programs will die before his or her department must act on them
    • We-need-more-time-to study resister: discovers that others find it hard to object to this form of resistance
    • State-rights resister: wants not part of programs initiated elsewhere (which may even mean rejection of whatever comes from outside his or her department or outside the school system; also known as the not-invented-here syndrome)
    • Cost-justifier: want everything cost-justified before any change
    • Incremental change resister: wants the new program, system, or machine as long as it just adds on to everything the old one had.

    9979851603, 9824154674

    15 year old!

    This film was made by a 15 year old girl.  It is the hottest thing on the internet. 
    Lizzie Palmer, who put this "YouTube" film together, is only 15 years old.  There
    have been over 4 Million hits as of this morning.  In case you missed it, here it is.
    Watch all of it.......and please pass it on!! com/v/ervaMPt4Ha 0&autoplay=1      


    "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."


    respect females!

    Though read many times but still refreshing!
    When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. ------------David Bissonette

    After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. --------------Sacha Guitry

    By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. --------------------Socrates

    Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them. -----------------Anonymous

    The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, 'What does a woman want? -------------------Dumas

    I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. ---------------Sigmund Freud

    'Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.' -----------------Anonymous

    'There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage.' ---------------Sam Kinison

    'I've had bad luck with both my wives. The first one left me, and the second one didn't.' -----------------James Holt McGavra

    Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming 1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it, 2. Whenever you're right, shut up. ---------------Patrick Murra

    The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once.... ----------------Nash

    You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to. ------------------Anonymous

    My wife and I were happy for twenty years.. Then we met. -----------------Henny Youngman

    A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong. ------------------Rodney Dangerfield

    A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: 'Wife wanted'. Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: 'You can have mine.' --------------------Anonymous

    First Guy (proudly): 'My wife's an angel!' Second Guy: 'You're lucky, mine's still alive.' ----------------------Anonymous




    Friday, May 29, 2009

    buyer behaviour - decision-making process

    How do customers buy?

    Research suggests that customers go through a five-stage decision-making process in any purchase. This is summarised in the diagram below:

     Need Recognition & Problem Awareness
    >> Information search
    >> Evaluation of Alternatives
    >> Purchase
    >> Post - Purchase Evaluation

    This model is important for anyone making marketing decisions. It forces the marketer to consider the whole buying process rather than just the purchase decision (when it may be too late for a business to influence the choice!)

    The model implies that customers pass through all stages in every purchase. However, in more routine purchases, customers often skip or reverse some of the stages.

    For example, a student buying a favourite hamburger would recognise the need (hunger) and go right to the purchase decision, skipping information search and evaluation. However, the model is very useful when it comes to understanding any purchase that requires some thought and deliberation.

    The buying process starts with need recognition. At this stage, the buyer recognises a problem or need (e.g. I am hungry, we need a new sofa, I have a headache) or responds to a marketing stimulus (e.g. you pass Starbucks and are attracted by the aroma of coffee and chocolate muffins).

    An "aroused" customer then needs to decide how much information (if any) is required. If the need is strong and there is a product or service that meets the need close to hand, then a purchase decision is likely to be made there and then. If not, then the process of information search begins.

    A customer can obtain information from several sources:

    • Personal sources: family, friends, neighbours etc
    • Commercial sources: advertising; salespeople; retailers; dealers; packaging; point-of-sale displays
    • Public sources: newspapers, radio, television, consumer organisations; specialist magazines
    • Experiential sources: handling, examining, using the product

    The usefulness and influence of these sources of information will vary by product and by customer. Research suggests that customers value and respect personal sources more than commercial sources (the influence of "word of mouth"). The challenge for the marketing team is to identify which information sources are most influential in their target markets.

    In the evaluation stage, the customer must choose between the alternative brands, products and services.

    How does the customer use the information obtained?

    An important determinant of the extent of evaluation is whether the customer feels "involved" in the product. By involvement, we mean the degree of perceived relevance and personal importance that accompanies the choice.

    Where a purchase is "highly involving", the customer is likely to carry out extensive evaluation.

    High-involvement purchases include those involving high expenditure or personal risk – for example buying a house, a car or making investments.

    Low involvement purchases (e.g. buying a soft drink, choosing some breakfast cereals in the supermarket) have very simple evaluation processes.

    Why should a marketer need to understand the customer evaluation process?

    The answer lies in the kind of information that the marketing team needs to provide customers in different buying situations.

    In high-involvement decisions, the marketer needs to provide a good deal of information about the positive consequences of buying. The sales force may need to stress the important attributes of the product, the advantages compared with the competition; and maybe even encourage "trial" or "sampling" of the product in the hope of securing the sale.

    Post-purchase evaluation - Cognitive Dissonance

    The final stage is the post-purchase evaluation of the decision. It is common for customers to experience concerns after making a purchase decision. This arises from a concept that is known as "cognitive dissonance". The customer, having bought a product, may feel that an alternative would have been preferable. In these circumstances that customer will not repurchase immediately, but is likely to switch brands next time.

    To manage the post-purchase stage, it is the job of the marketing team to persuade the potential customer that the product will satisfy his or her needs. Then after having made a purchase, the customer should be encouraged that he or she has made the right decision.


    Thursday, May 28, 2009

    Influencing Skills

    There is no right way, nor is there only one way to influence others. Everything, but everything, is a factor when influencing people.

    And we are, all of us, influenced by people, places, events and situations at all times. Sometimes we are affected more or less by these things, but we are continually being influenced by what happens around us.

    So what about the specifics in the workplace?

    Your job requires you to influence people just about all of the time. It may take the form of gaining support, inspiring others, persuading other people to become your champions, engaging someone's imagination, creating relationships.

    Whatever form it takes, being an excellent influencer makes your job easier.

    An interesting point about people who use their influencing skills well, is that other people like being around them. There's a kind of exciting buzz, or sense that things happen when they're about.

    It's because they don't sit around wishing things were different while moaning there's nothing they can do about it.

    They don't sit around blaming others or complaining about what needs fixing that will make things better. They see what needs doing and set about getting it done.

    Truly excellent influencing skills require a healthy combination of interpersonal, communication, presentation and assertiveness techniques.

    It is about adapting and modifying your personal style when you become aware of the affect you are having on other people, while still being true to yourself. Behaviour and attitude change are what's important, not changing who you are or how you feel and think.

    You may try to exert your influence through coercion and manipulation. You might even succeed in getting things done; but that isn't really influencing. That's forcing people to do what you want, often against their will. You won't have succeeded in winning support.

    Pushing, bullying, bludgeoning or haranguing DO NOT WORK! Like elephants, people will remember the experience.

    Indeed, if you force someone to do something you want, without taking their point of view into consideration, then the impression that person is left with is how they will see you forever. You're stuck with it, unless you deliberately change what you do in order to be seen differently.

    People are far more willing to come halfway (or more) if they feel acknowledged, understood and appreciated. They may even end up doing or agreeing to something they wouldn't previously have done because they feel good about making the choice.

    Influencing is about understanding yourself and the effect or impact you have on others. Though it can, on occasion, be one way, the primary relationship is two way, and it is about changing how others perceive you.

    In other words, the cliché, perception is reality, makes perfect sense in the context of influencing.

    It doesn't matter what's going on internally for you - if it isn't perceived by the other person, then it doesn't exist, other than in your mind.

    You could be doing the most brilliant presentation you've ever created, but if you haven't brought your 'audience' with you, the brilliance is wasted. And that's about being able to see what's going on for them, which will be different, however much you may have in common.

    Influencing can sometimes be looked at as the ability to 'finesse', almost sleight of hand. The other person isn't prodded into seeing your view of the world, but is persuaded, often unconsciously, into understanding it.

    Sometimes you can get so used to your own personal style or way of being or pattern of communicating, that you don't think of how it is being received, and you don't think of behaving in any other way.

    Influencing is about being able to move things forward, without pushing, forcing or telling others what to do.

    Now what we know is that one of the most powerful forces that affect people's behaviour is the avoidance of humiliation.

    No one wants to embarrass themselves if they can help it. So changing your behaviour entails a certain risk.

    But if that behaviour change is deliberate, and you have made an effort to see the world from the other person's point of view, then humiliation can be avoided on both sides.

    Whatever the arena you work in influencing others is about having the confidence and willingness to use yourself to make things happen. Influencing people is also the ability to 'work' a dynamic, whether it's a large group, one to one or over the phone.

    By 'working' the dynamic, we mean using everything at your disposal, both verbal and non-verbal communication, to create the impact you want, rather than letting things just happen.


    how popular your first name...


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    Monday, May 25, 2009

    Marriage Joke!

    Once upon a time a married couple celebrated their 25th marriage
    anniversary. They had become famous in the city for not having a
    single conflict in their period of 25 years. Local newspaper editors
    had gathered at the occasion to find out the secret of their well
    known "happy going marriage".

    Editor: "Sir. It's amazingly unbelievable. How did you make this possible?"

    Husband recalling his old honeymoon days said:  "We had been to Shimla
    for honeymoon after marriage. Having selected the horse riding
    finally, we both started the ride on different horses. My horse was
    pretty okay but the horse on which my wife was riding seemed to be a
    crazy one.
     On the way ahead, that horse jumped suddenly, making my wife topple
    over. Recovering her position from the ground, she patted the horse's
    back and said "This is your first time". She again climbed the horse
    and continued with the ride. After a while, it happened again. This
    time she again kept calm and said " This is your second time" and
    continued. When the horse dropped her third time, she silently took
    out the revolver from the purse and shot the horse dead !!
     I shouted at my wife: "What did you do you psycho. You killed the
    poor animal. Are you  crazy ?" ..
     She gave a silent look and said: "This is your first time!!!"."


    Sunday, May 24, 2009

    3 parrots!


    3 Parrots

    A man wanted to buy his son a parrot as a birthday present.
    The next day he went to the pet shop and saw
    three identical parrots in a cage.

    He asked the clerk, "how much for the parrot on the right?

    Please wait while images are being Wowmailz

    The owner said it was Rs. 2500.
    "Rs. 2500.", the man said. "Well what does he do?

    "He knows how to use all of the functions of Microsoft Office 2000, responds the clerk.
    "He can do all of your spreadsheets and type all of your letters."

    Please wait while images are being Wowmailz

    The man then asked what the second parrot cost.

    The clerk replied, Rs. 5000, but he not only knows Office 2000,

    but is an expert computer programmer.

    Please wait while images are being Wowmailz

    Finally, the man inquired about the cost of the last parrot.
    The clerk replied, "Rs. 10,000."

    Curious as to how a bird can cost Rs. 10,000, the man asked what this bird's specialty was.

    The clerk replies, "Well to be honest I haven't seen him do anything.

    But the other two call him "BOSS"!!



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    Saturday, May 23, 2009

    Hw 2 sell urself, EYE APPEAL, BUY APPEAL


    Joe Girard, The World's Greatest Salesperson Tells His Story

    Learn How to Sell Your Greatest Asset-Yourself

    Media Credit: Courtesy of Joe Girard

    Joe Girard will speak in Burden Auditorium on November 29.

    On November 2, 2006, I interviewed Joe Girard, who the Guinness Book of World Records named the #1 Salesperson in the world. Mr. Girard received this title for selling the most "big ticket" items "one-at-a-time." He has written four books and presents his inspirational story to Fortune 500 clients and companies from all over the world. Mr Girard will be speaking to students on November 29 in Burden Auditorium. I asked Mr. Girard to tell us his story.

    Q: Can you tell me about your most important experience?
    "I was born in the ghettos of Detroit to a father who was worse than Hitler. He used to beat me, call me names, and tell me that I would never achieve. But the beautiful person in my life was my mother, who always fed me the spark to show me that my father was wrong. What I'm going to talk about at HBS are things that could save a lot of students a lot of time once they get out of school. Once they've read all the books on getting where they want to go, if they do it my way they'll hit the top ten times faster. Because I'm going to talk about things that will save you from taking a lot of steps and help you avoid all the problems that you're going to face. By hearing about my problems you will avoid the same problems."

    Q: What is the most important part of selling?
    "The name of the game is the people business. People buy people. What I'm going to talk about has been tested in the toughest business in the world, which was selling brand new cars. It was tested in the firing line. I want you to know that when you write this story that Joe Girard is not ATANA. ATANA means All Talk and No Action. I've done it. No one has even come close to my record because they won't play the game and life is a game. Regardless of what business you're in, whether you're in a professional job, doctor, or lawyer, to put it bluntly the students that do not come to hear what I have to say are going to be losers-they will lose. If they don't hear what I have to say, it's going to take them many more years to hit the top. Because I'm going to lay it all on the line and you are not going to believe it."

    Q: How do you account for your success as a salesperson?
    "The best learning experience that you can have is from the mistakes of others. [During my visit] I'll talk about the mistakes I made. These mistakes cost me millions and I'm going to talk about why they cost me millions. I'll discuss how to overcome adversities. This is important because I guarantee that you will hit a lot of them. Life is about becoming stronger; this is how you play the game."

    "There's no place for second place. As far as I'm concerned, when you're second you are a loser. You have to strive to be the best and I'll tell you how. You must sell the world's greatest product. The world's greatest product is right in your shoes, right now. I'll teach you how to read people's faces. This will boggle your mind. You don't have to wait to hear somebody tell you what they thought about what you said. I'll show you how to read their lips, the most important part of the body. I'll show you how to read their lips like you would not believe. I'll teach you how to read their eyes, too. I'll show you how to put people in your hands and move them like a puppet. I'll show you how to get these people to love you, to like you, and to bring people to you. The greatest advertising in the world is word of mouth."

    Q: How did you go about this on a daily basis?
    "So how did I go about my business? The average sales person only sells four to five cars a month. How did Joe Girard average six or more retail cars every day? Did you ever hear of buying a car by appointment? With me, you had to wait from a week to ten days to see me. And people would wait because of what they had heard about me. You must do things that will get people's appetites so hungry that they'll wait a year to see you regardless of what business you're in. The name of the game is selling yourself and getting people to love you. I'm going to show you how to get people to remember your name until the day they die. And this will blow your face away."

    "What I'm going to talk about is not what you get out of those books. Once you take your nose out of those books, the game starts. I'm going to teach you how to play the game the street way. If you don't play the game by the street you're going to lose. You will lose. I've made mistakes by the tons. But Joe Girard makes one mistake and he learns like you won't believe. When I finish my presentation, you'll never make another mistake in your life because mistakes are costly. They'll cost you your life and they'll cost you all your money like they cost me."

    Q: Do you think your ideas relate to other fields besides car sales?
    "The game is the same whether you're playing football, whether you're a lawyer, or whether you're a doctor. It's a game whether you're selling cars. People came from all over America to buy from this kid who never graduated from high school. I've learned what the street is all about. I've also learned how to love people. Watch how I love people. I'm going to let students get into my shoes and any time they make a move they aren't ever going to forget what I said. I will show you how to get people to love you. And I'll prove it. I'm in the Guinness Book of World Records for selling 1,425 cars in one year. The average sales man doesn't sell 60 to 70 cars a year. How'd I do it? I did it with love. Instead of waiting to buy a car every few years, my customers would come from all over America every single year to buy a car, just to see me. When you show love you'll get love. When you show hate you'll get hate. You get what you give."

    9979851603, 9824154674

    Friday, May 22, 2009

    Converting Steps to Miles

    Walking Site
    Deborah Crawford
    BellaOnline's Walking Editor


    One mile is 5280 feet. The average stride varies from about 2 to 3 feet (two for women, 3 for men). With a 2 feet stride, you would walk a mile in 2640 steps. With a stride of 3 feet, it would only take 1760 steps. Which is quite a bit of difference. If you really want to know how many steps you need to take to walk one mile, you should measure your own stride.

    There are several ways to measure your stride length. Here is one way:

    Measure a length of twenty feet that you can walk. Start a few steps before the beginning of your 20 feet length to get into your walking rhythm and then count the steps you take from the beginning of the length until one of your feet crosses the "finish" line. Do this three or four times and then find the average of all those trials.

    Here's the math:

    Trial 1 --- 13 steps
    Trial 2 --- 14 steps
    Trial 3 --- 11 steps
    Trial 4 --- 13 steps

    Add the total steps and divide by 4. In this case, 13 + 14 + 11 + 13 = 51. Divide 51 by 4 and you get 12.7, which I would round up to 13.

    Next, divide the 20 feet by the 13 steps and the result is 1.5 feet. So, this person's stride length is 18 inches, or 1.5 feet.

    To determine how many steps it would take to cover one mile, divide 5280 by the stride length of 1.5 (you want to use feet for both, not feet for one and inches for the other). The result is that it takes 3520 steps for this person to walk one mile.

    Once you know your stride length, you can use this chart to find out how many steps you take to walk a mile.

    You will need to know your average stride length to set most pedometers. After that, the pedometer does all the work for you, telling you your steps and mileage.

    A pedometer can help you track your distance, and it can also help you take more steps! Having that reminder there all the time will silently encourage you to take more steps. And, if you take the recommended 10,000 steps, then you will average 3.7 to 5.8 miles every day! Which is far more than most people walk in a day.

    9979851603, 9824154674

    10 Ways to Convert Customer Service into Sales

    1. Respond Fast

    2. Cross sell products

    3. Cross sell cool features

    4. Always be the last response

    5. Avoid overly prepared responses

    6. Know who you're dealing with and respond accordingly

    7. Customer care discounts

    8. Staff product knowledge and training

    9. Personalize everything

    10. Data Mining

    9979851603, 9824154674

    Carry me out in your Arms

    specially for those who think their marriage has turned old...

    On my wedding day, I carried my wife in my arms. The bridal car stopped in front of our one-room flat. My buddies insisted that I carry her out of the car in my arms. So I carried her into our home. She was then plump and shy. I was a strong and happy bridegroom.

    This was the scene of ten years ago.

    The following days were as simple as a cup of pure water: we had a kid, I went into business and tried to make more money. When the assets were steadily increasing, the affections between us seemed to ebb. She was a civil servant. Every morning we left home together and got home almost at the same time. Our kid was studying in a boarding school.

    Our marriage life seemed to be enviably happy. But the calm life was more likely to be affected by unpredictable changes.

    Dew came into my life.

    It was a sunny day. I stood on a spacious balcony. Dew hugged me from behind. My heart once again was immersed in her stream of love. This was the apartment I bought for her.

    Dew said, You are the kind of man who best draws girls eyeballs. Her words suddenly reminded me of my wife. When we just married, my wife said, Men like you, once successful, will be very attractive to girls. Thinking of this, I became somewhat hesitant. I knew I had betrayed my wife. But I couldn’t help doing so.

    I moved Dew’s hands aside and said, You go to select some furniture, O.K.? I’ve got something to do in the company. Obviously she was unhappy, because I had promised her to go and see with her. At the moment, the idea of divorce became clearer in my mind although it used to be something impossible to me.

    However, I found it rather difficult to tell my wife about it. No matter how mildly I mentioned it to her, she would be deeply hurt. Honestly, she was a good wife. Every evening she was busy preparing dinner. I was sitting in front of the TV. The dinner was ready soon. Then we watched TV together. Or, I was lounging before the computer, visualizing Dew's body. This was the means of my entertainment.

    One day I said to her in a slight joking way, suppose we divorce, what will you do? She stared at me for a few seconds without a word. Apparently she believed that divorce was something too far away from her. I couldn’t imagine how she would react once she got to know I was serious.

    When my wife went to my office, Dew had just stepped out. Almost all the staff looked at my wife with a sympathetic eye and tried to hide something while talking with her. She seemed to have got some hint. She gently smiled at my subordinates. But I read some hurt in her eyes.

    Once again, Dew said to me, He Ning, divorce her, O.K.? Then we live together. I nodded. I knew I could not hesitate any more.

    When my wife served the last dish, I held her hand. I’ve got something to tell you, I said.

    She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn’t know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want to divorce. I raised a serious topic calmly.

    She didn’t seem to be much annoyed by my words, instead she asked me softly, why? I’m serious. I avoided her question. This so-called answer turned her angry. She threw away the chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man!

    At that night, we didn’t talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find out what had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactory answer, because my heart had gone to Dew.

    With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company. She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. I felt a pain in my heart. The woman who had been living ten years with me would become a stranger one day. But I could not take back what I had said.

    Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which had obsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer.

    A late night, I came back home after entertaining my clients. I saw her writing something at the table... I fell asleep fast. When I woke up, I found she was still there. I turned over and was asleep again.

    She brought up her divorce conditions: she didn’t want anything from me, but I was supposed to give her one month’s time before divorce, and in the month’s time we must live as normal life as possible. Her reason was simple: our son would finish his summer vacation a month later and she didn't want him to see our marriage was broken.

    She passed me the agreement she drafted, and then asked me, He Ning, do you still remember how I entered our bridal room on the wedding day? This question suddenly brought back all those wonderful memories to me. I nodded and said, I remember . You carried me in your arms , she continued, so, I have a requirement, that is, you carry me out in your arms on the day when we divorce. From now to the end of this month, you must carry me out from the bedroom to the door every morning.

    I accepted with a smile. I knew she missed those sweet days and wished to end her marriage with a romantic form.

    I told Dew about my wife's divorce conditions. She laughed loudly and thought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she does, she has to face the result of divorce, she said scornfully. Her words more or less made me feel uncomfortable.

    My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intention was explicitly expressed. We even treated each other as a stranger. So when I carried her out for the first day, we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mummy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From the bedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over ten meters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes and said softly, Let us start from today, don’t tell our son. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. I put her down outside the door. She went to wait for bus, I drove to office.

    On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on my chest. We were so close that I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that I hadn’t looked at this intimate woman carefully for a long time. I found she was not young any more. There were some fine wrinkles on her face.

    On the third day, she whispered to me, the outside garden is being demolished. Be careful when you pass there.

    On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I seemed to feel that we were still an intimate couple and I was holding my sweetheart in my arms. The visualization of Dew became vaguer.

    On the fifth and sixth day, she kept reminding me something, such as, where she put the ironed shirts, I should be careful while cooking, etc. I nodded. The sense of intimacy was even stronger.

    I didn’t tell Dew about this.

    I felt it was easier to carry her. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger. I said to her, It seems not difficult to carry you now.

    She was picking her dresses. I was waiting to carry her out. She tried quite a few but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, All my dresses have grown fatter. I smiled. But I suddenly realized that it was because she was thinner that I could carry her more easily, not because I was stronger. I knew she had buried all the bitterness in her heart. Again, I felt a sense of pain. Subconsciously I reached out a hand to touch her head.

    Our son came in at the moment. Dad, it's time to carry mum out. He said. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had been an essential part of his life. She gestured our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned my face because I was afraid I would change my mind at the last minute. I held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded
    my neck softly and naturally. I held her body tightly, as if we came back to our wedding day. But her much lighter weight made me sad.

    On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school. She said, Actually I hope you will hold me in your arms until we are old.

    I held her tightly and said, Both you and I didn't notice that our life was lack of such intimacy.

    I jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my decision. I walked upstairs. Dew opened the door. I said to her, Sorry, Dew, I won't divorce. I'm serious.

    She looked at me, astonished. The she touched my forehead. You got no fever. She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Dew, I said, I can only say sorry to you, I won t divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and I didn't value the details of life, not because we didn’t love each other any more. Now I understand that since I carried her into the home, she gave birth to our child, I am supposed
    to hold her until I am old. So I have to say sorry to you.

    Dew seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into cry. I walked downstairs and drove to the office.

    When I passed the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet for my wife which was her favorite. The salesgirl asked me to write the greeting words on the card. I smiled and wrote, "I'll carry you out every morning until we are old."




    "There is something else, which if we allow to grow within us, often brings sensitivity as a by-product — that is, kindness, the mother of several virtues. Once you cultivate kindness, many other virtues follow like fairness, humility and sensitivity."- Dalai Lama


    baniya jokes

    Baniya on his death time.
    My wife, where r u ?
    Wife:Yes, I'm here
    My sons daughters ru all here?
    Yes, Papa
    Baniya:To phir brabar wale kamre
    ka pankha Q khula hay ???


    Baniya 14th floor se neche gira
    Girte waqt usne
    apni ghar ki khirki me
    apni wife ko roti pakate hue dekha
    to chilla k bola

    Baniya ask to Taxi Driver: CP wale gurudware jayega kya?
    Taxi Driver: Han jaon ga.
    Baniya ne jaib se lunchbox nikala or kaha:
    Wapsi main langar ka khana lete aana. 
    Titanic K Sath Baniya Bhi Doob Raha Tha
    Aur Hans Bhi Raha Tha
    Dost: Oye Hans Kyun Raha Hai?
    Baniya: Shukar Hai Main Ne Return Ticket Nahi Khareeda




    "There is something else, which if we allow to grow within us, often brings sensitivity as a by-product — that is, kindness, the mother of several virtues. Once you cultivate kindness, many other virtues follow like fairness, humility and sensitivity."- Dalai Lama

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    Mallya maal-a-maal?

    Should Kingfisher behave like a pauper when is flies maximum customers. It is the airlines which gets maximum number of customers. In April alone it beat its nearest rival, Air India by nearly three lakh customers.

    Kingfisher calendar 2009 poster

    Kingfisher Airlines had earlier sought a second extension of 10-days to payback its Rs 1,000 crore or so dues to the oil-marketing companies. It had failed to pay on March 31 and and April 10.

    The airlines get cheaper petrol from the government. When everyone is paying from Rs 40 to 45 per liter of petrol, the airlines get petrol at around Rs 26 from the government.

    The passenger break-up for the month of April 2009 is as follows:

    • Kingfisher –                    8.61 lakhs 
    • Air India (Domestic) –   5.83 lakhs
    • Jet Airways –                  5.52 lakhs
    • IndiGo –                          4.54 lakhs
    • Spice Jet –                      3.87 lakhs
    • Jet Lite –                         2.44 lakhs
    • Go Air –                           1.45 lakhs
    • Paramount –                   0.75 lakhs

              Total =                            33.15 lakhs


    As of 2008, Mallya was ranked as the 162nd richest person in the world and the 41st in India with a net worth of $1.2 billion.

    Mallya is married twice. His first wife was Sameera and they have a son together, named Sidhartha.

    Later on, he married Rekha and has two daughters Laila and Tanya Mallya and one son. Rekha used to be his personal secretary before their marriage.

    9979851603, 9824154674

    woman's aptitude redefined!

    a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner..

    I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, 'If I give you this money, will you buy wine with it instead of dinner?'

    'No, I had to stop drinking years ago', the homeless woman told me.

    'Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?' I asked.

    'No, I don't waste time shopping,' the homeless woman said. 'I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.'

    'Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?' I asked...
    'Are you NUTS!' replied the homeless woman. I haven't had my hair done in 20 years!'

    'Well, I said, 'I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.'

    The homeless Woman was shocked. 'Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.'

    I said, 'That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine


    New 10 Rupee India Coin

    Thursday, May 21, 2009

    Interesting Geographical Facts



    Interesting Geography
    More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska.
    The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world's oxygen supply. The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean. The volume of water in the Amazon river is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the United States.
    Antarctica is the only land on our planet that is not owned by any country. Ninety percent of the world's ice covers Antarctica. This ice also represents seventy percent of all the fresh water in the world. As strange as it sounds, however, Antarctica is essentially a desert. The average yearly total precipitation is about two inches Although covered with ice (all but 0..4% of it, i.e.), Antarctica is the driest place on the planet, with an absolute humidity lower than the Gobi desert.
    Brazil got its name from the nut, not the other way around.
    Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world combined. Canada is an Indian word meaning "Big Village."
    Next to Warsaw, Chicago has the largest Polish population in the world.
    Woodward Avenue in Detroit, Michigan, carries the designation M-1, named so because it was the first paved road anywhere.
    Damascus, Syria
    Damascus, Syria, was flourishing a couple of thousand years before Rome was founded in 753 BC, making it the oldest continuously inhabited city in existence.
    Istanbul, Turkey
    Istanbul, Turkey, is the only city in the world located on two continents.
    Kola Peninsula, Russia
    The deepest hole ever made by humans is in Kola Peninsula in Russia, was completed in 1989, creating a hole 12,262 meters (7.6 miles) deep.
    Los Angeles
    Los Angeles's full name is El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula --and can be abbreviated to 3.63% of its size: L.A.
    New York City
    The term "The Big Apple" was coined by touring jazz musicians of the 1930's who used the slang expression "apple" for any town or city. Therefore, to play New York City is to play the big time - The Big Apple. There are more Irish in New York City than in Dublin, Ireland; more Italians in New York City than in Rome, Italy; and more Jews in New York City than in Tel Aviv,� � Israel.
    There are no natural lakes in the state of Ohio, every one is manmade.
    Pitcairn Island
    The smallest island with country status is Pitcairn in Polynesia, at just 1.75 sq. miles/4,53 sq. km.
    The first city to reach a population of 1 million people was Rome, Italy in 133 B.C. There is a city called Rome on every continent.
    Siberia contains more than 25% of the world's forests. S.M.O.M.The actual smallest sovereign entity in the world is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta ( S.M.O.M .). It is located in the city of Rome, Italy, has an area of two tennis courts, and as of 2001 has a population of 80, 20 people less than the Vatican. It is a sovereign entity under international law, just as the Vatican is.
    Sahara Desert
    In the Sahara Desert, there is a town named Tidikelt, which did not receive a drop of rain for ten years. Technically though, the driest place on Earth is in the valleys of the Antarctic near Ross Island. There has been no rainfall there for two million years.
    Spain literally means 'the land of rabbits'.
    St. Paul, Minnesota
    St.Paul, Minnesota, was originally called Pig's Eye after a man named Pierre "Pig's Eye" Parrant who set up the first business there.
    Chances that a road is unpaved in the U.S.A.: 1%, in Canada: 75% The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one-mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
    United States' Waterfalls
    The water of Angel Falls (the World's highest) in Venezuela drops 3,212 feet (979 meters). They are 15 times higher than Niagara Falls.

    Provided by: K Raman


    "90 people get the Swine Flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. Millions of people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a c........"- Swami Yogeshanand