Sunday, November 22, 2009

vacant berth status...

nice site for vacant berth status...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

How numerals 0 - 9 got their shape

Happy sunday to all friends...!
Read this first, then open the Attachment
How numerals 0 - 9 got their shape: Do you know why numbers look like they do? Someone, at some point in time, had to create their shapes and meaning.
Watch this short presentation and then you will know how our Arabic numbers were originally created a very long time ago and what logic the people that created them used to determine their shapes. It is really very simple and quite creative?
You have to admire the intelligence of a person/s that created something so simple and perfect that it has lasted for thousands and thousands of years and will probably never change.
When the presentation gets to the number "seven" you will notice that the 7 has a line through the middle of it. That was the way the Arabic 7 was originally written, and in Europe and certain other areas they still write the 7 that way.  Also, in the military, they commonly write it that way. The nine has a kind of curly tail on it that has been reduced,  for the most part nowadays, to a simple curve, but the logic involved still applies.
Click on the right arrow each time you want to advance the slide show.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Read it….really nice JJ
I finally got around to going fishing this morning but after a while I ran out of worms.

Then I saw a cottonmouth snake with a frog in his mouth, and frogs are good bass bait.

Knowing the snake couldn't bite me with the frog in his mouth, I grabbed him right behind the head, took the frog and put it in my bait bucket.

Now the dilemma was how to release the snake without getting bit.

I grabbed my bottle of Jack Daniels and poured a little whiskey in its mouth.

His eyes rolled back, he went limp, I released him into the lake without incident, And carried on my fishing with the frog.

A little later I felt a nudge on my foot.

There was that same snake with two frogs in his mouth.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

स्वार्थी कहूं या संत तुम्हें...

क्योंकि स्वार्थी हो गये थे तुम...
अपने में ईश्वर को भी नहीं पहचान पाये तुम !
तुम्हीं तो थे जो साथ लिए मुझे..
मंदिर में जाया करते
ईश्वर को सच्चे प्यार का विश्वास दिलाया करते
तब...तब मैं भाव विभोर हो देखा करती तुम्हें...
कितने लीन होकर तुम उस परम पिता को
साक्षी बना रहे थे अपने प्यार का !
और हाँ..... वह साक्षी बना भी
हर बार की तरह वह मुस्कराकर
आशीर्वाद देता भी।
तुम कितने निश्पाप मन से
ईश्वर से मुझको मांगा करते
तब उस वक्त मैं तुम्हारी आंखों में प्रेम की
निर्मल धारा बहते देखती और...
उतर जाती उस ईश्वर की प्यास में
चली जाती तुम्हारे साथ उस ईश्वर की आस में
ईश्वर को छलते तुम या मुझको छलते ?
मै तो ईश्वर को पा रही थी तुम्हारे साथ चलते !
बैखौफ़ सी उन पगडंडियों में चली जा रही थी मैं
जिनके सपने तुम दिखा रहे थे मुझे
सपनों की दुनिया में उड़ रही थी बिन पंख लगाये
द‍ृष्टा बनना था मुझे...बन गयी द‍ृष्टिहीन
छोड आये तुम मुझे उस अन्तहीन छोर पर
जहां से आगे न मंजिल थी न कोई डगर
अब...अब तो मैं हूं अकेली
पथराई पहेली सी..
लौट आई फ़िर वहीं...
जहां छला जाना ही औरत की नियति है
लेकिन जानती है.....फिर भी चलना जानती है
प्यार में ठोकर मिले तो क्या ?
प्यार में कुछ क्षण ईश्वर को तो पा ही लेती है !
तुम्हें नहीं आया ईश्वर को पाना तो क्या....
ये तुम्हारी बदनसीबी है
आज तुम मुझसे प्यार करने की गलती का प्रायश्चित कर रहे हो
और मैं...तप्त...शांत...गहरी झील सी..
औरत की तरह प्यार करके तो देखो....
ईश्वर को सच्चा मान कर तो देखो....
वह महसूस कराता है
अपने को तुम्हारे भीतर रहकर!
अब दर्द नहीं कोई गिला नहीं
न छले जाने का कोई दुख !
....फ़िर भी तुम्हारी शुक्रगुजार हूं मैं
क्योंकि किसी एक क्षण में जब मैं ईश्वर में थी...
उस तक पहुंचने का माध्यम तुम्हीं तो थे !
हां तुम्हीं...!
ऋणी रहूंगी तुम्हारी उस एक पल के लिए
जब ईश्वर का साक्षात्कार हुआ.....
और उस कान्हा से प्यार हुआ.......
सुना है संत ही ईश्वर के दर्शन कराते हैं....
उस तक पहुंचने का रास्ता बताते हैं...
तुम्हीं कहो उस तक पहुंचने के लिए
स्वार्थी कहूं या संत तुम्हें....?

कुछ पल जिन्दगी जैसे... विडम्बना


कुछ पल जिन्दगी जैसे , जिंदगी के ही दामन से चुरा लिए मैंने । उन्ही जीवंत पलों को शब्दों मे पिरो कर पेश कर रहा हूँ । ये महफ़िल है मेरे दिल की , यहाँ कुछ गीत मिलेंगे सुर छेड़ते हुए , कुछ गज़लें होंगी हाथों मे जाम लिए , कुछ कवितायेँ भी मिलेंगी गहरी आँखों वाली , कुछ किस्से कुछ किरदार , इनमे से कुछ भी अगर आपके दिल को छू पाये तो खुशकिस्मत समझूंगा अपने आप को ....


बहुत सालों पहले जिन्दगी को समझने की एक कोशिश में मिली थी ये ग़ज़ल ... पेश ए नज़र है यारों ।

दर्द की एक दास्ताँ है जिन्दगी,
मौत का ही तो आइना है जिन्दगी ।

सच की पथरीली जमी पर,
झूठ का एक आसमा है जिन्दगी ।

दोस्तो से अजनबी और,
दुश्मनों से आशना है जिन्दगी ।

वक़्त बहता पानी है और,
बूँद का एक बुलबुला है जिन्दगी ।

हर कदम अंधा सफ़र है,
हादसों का सिलसिला है जिन्दगी ।


डरी सहमी ऑंखें,
चेहरे पर हताशा,
तन पर कपड़े नदारद,
घुटनों को छाती से चिपकाये,
बेडियों में जकड़ी काया,
शून्य को घूरती हुई,
कहीं कुछ ढूँढती है शायद,
निश्ब्द्ता में भी है कोलाहल,
ह्रदय में जारी है उम्र की कवायद,
मगज एक मरघट हो जैसे,
कुछ चिताएँ जल रहीं हैं,
कुछ लाशें सडी हुई सीं,
पडी हुईं हैं, जिन पर,
भिनभिनाती है मक्खियाँ,
जैसे - कुछ अनसुलझी गुत्थियाँ,
कुछ अनुत्तरित सवालों का समूह्गान जैसे,
कैसी विडम्बना है ये,
आखिर हम मुक्त क्यों नही हो पाते...???

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jane n Tarzan

> When Jane initially met Tarzan in the jungle, she was
> attracted to him,
> And during her questions about his life , she asked him how
> he had sex?

> 'Tarzan not know sex' he replied.
> Jane explained to him what sex was.

> Tarzan said 'Oh,....Tarzan use knot hole in trunk of
> tree.'

> Horrified Jane said, ' Tarzan you have it all wrong,
> but I will show you how to do it properly.'

> She took off her clothing and laid down on the ground.
> 'Here' she said,pointing to her privates, 'you
> must put it in here.'

> Tarzan removed his loin cloth, showing Jane his
> considerable manhood,stepped closer to her and kicked her in
> the crotch !

> Jane rolled around in agony for what seemed like an
> eternity.

> Eventually she managed to grasp for air and screamed '
> What did you do that for ?'

> Tarzan replied, 'Check for squirrel.'

"A University Professor set an examination question wherein he asked what is the difference between ignorance & apathy. He had to give an A+ to the student who answered: I dont know & I dont care." - Richard Pratt

धूप ही क्यों धूप ही क्यों छांव भी दो

धूप ही क्यों धूप ही क्यों छांव भी दो
पंथ ही क्यों पांव भी दो
सफर लम्बी हो गई अब, ठहरने को गांव भी दो ।

प्यास ही क्यों नीर भी
दो धार ही क्यों तीर भी दो
जी रही पुरुषार्थ कब से, अब मुझे तकदीर भी दो ।

पीर ही क्यों प्रीत भी दो
हार ही क्यों जीत भी दो
शुन्य में खोए बहुत अब, चेतना को गीत भी दो ।

ग्रन्थ ही क्यों ज्ञान भी दो
ज्ञान ही क्यों ध्यान भी दो

तुम हमारी अस्मिता को,
अब निजी पहचान भी दो ।

तुम हमारी अस्मिता को, अब निजी पहचान भी दो ।

Friday, November 13, 2009

GM.....+ tve talk

Robert De Vincenzo, the great Argentine golfer, once won a tournament
and, after receiving the check and
smiling for the cameras, he went to the clubhouse and prepared to
leave. Some time later, he walked alone to
his car in the parking lot and was approached by a young woman.

She congratulated him on his victory and then told him that her child
was seriously ill and near death.
She did not know how she could pay the doctor's bills and hospital expenses.

De Vincenzo was touched by her story, and he took out a pen and
endorsed his winning check for payment to
the woman. "Make some good days for the baby," he said as he pressed
the check into her hand.

The next week he was having lunch in a country club when a
Professional Golf Association official came to
his table. "Some of the boys in the parking lot last week told me you
met a young woman there after you won
that tournament." De Vincenzo nodded.

"Well," said the official, "I have news for you. She's a phony. She
has no sick baby. She's not even married. She fleeced you, my

"You mean there is no baby who is dying?" said De Vincenzo.

"That's right," said the official.

"That's the best good news I've heard all week." De Vincenzo said.

Harivansh Rai Bachchan

Harivanshrai "Bachchan" Srivastava (November 27, 1907 – January 18,
2003) was a distinguished Hindi poet, perhaps best known for his early
work Madhushala . He is also the father of Bollywood film superstar,
Amitabh Bachchan.

He was born as Harivanshrai Srivastava into a Kayasth family on
November 27, 1907 at a small town (of Patti, in district of
Pratapgarh,U.P.) near Allahabad in the United Provinces (modern Uttar
Pradesh). He was called "bachchan" (meaning 'child') at home. He
received his formal schooling in a municipal school and followed the
family tradition of attending Kayasth Paathshaalas (?????? ???????) to
learn Urdu as the first step to a career in law. He later studied at
the Allahabad University and Banaras Hindu University. In this period,
he came under the influence of the independence movement, then under
the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi.

In 1926, at the age of 19, Bachchan married his first wife, Shyama,
who was then 14 years old. However she died ten years later in 1936
after a long spell of TB at just 24 years of age. Shortly after his
first wife's death, Bachchan married Teji Suri, a Sikh, in 1941. The
marriage produced two sons, Amitabh and Ajitabh.

From 1941 to 1952 he taught English at the Allahabad University and
then spent two years at Cambridge University in St Catharine's
College, Cambridge. There he studied with the famous English
literature don, Thomas Rice Henn, and received a doctorate in English
Literature for his work on the Irish poet W.B. Yeats. It was then,
that he used 'Bachchan' as his last name instead of Srivastav.
Bachchan was the second Indian to get his doctorate in English
literature from Cambridge University.

Returning to India, he taught briefly and then worked as a producer
for All India Radio, Allahabad. In 1955, Harivanshrai moved to Delhi
to join the Ministry of External Affairs of the Government of India
and there he was closely involved with the evolution of Hindi as the
official language of the nation.

Bachchan used to introduce himself as Mitti ka tan, masti ka man,
kshan-bhar jivan ? mera parichay. (?????? ?? ??, ????? ?? ??, ???? ??
????, ???? ?????) (A body of clay, a mind full of play, a moment?s
life – that is me).

Harivanshrai Bachchan died on January 18, 2003, at the age of 95, as a
result of various respiratory ailments.
He is best known for his early lyric poem Madhushala (The House of
Wine), which has been translated into English and many regional Indian
languages including Bengali, Marathi and Malayalam. It forms part of a
trilogy, along with Madhubala (???????) and Madhukalash (??????).
Bachchan published about 30 volumes of poetry. He translated
Shakespeare's Macbeth and Othello, Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat, the
Bhagavad Gita (???? ????) and W.B. Yeats into Hindi. His works include
Nisha Nimantran (???? ????????), Khadi Ke Phool (???? ?? ???), Ekant
Sangeet (????? ?????) and Satrangini (????????). In November, 1984, he
wrote his last poem Ek November 1984 on Indira Gandhi?s assassination.
His autobiography, consisting of four volumes namely Kya bhooloon kya
yaad karoon (???? ????? ???? ??? ????), Need ka nirmaan fir (???? ??
??????? ???), Basere se door (????? ?? ???) and Dashdwaar se sopaan
tak (??????? ?? ????? ??) (abridged and translated into English as In
the Afternoon of Time) was chosen for the Saraswati Samman.
Bachchan was nominated to the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of the
Indian Parliament in 1966, and received the Sahitya Akademi award
three years later. In 1976, he was honoured with the Padma Bhushan and
the Saraswati Samman for his contribution to Hindi literature. He is a
recipient of the Soviet Land Nehru Award and the Lotus Award of the
Afro-Asian writers conference. In 2003, an Indian postage stamp was
released in his memory.
At present, more people may know Bachchan as being father to India's
best-known film actor, Amitabh Bachchan, than know his reputation as a
The creator of the great collection 'Madhushala ' is often thought to
be a great admirer of wonder solutions himself. It is wrongly believed
that the creator of one of the most famous poems on wine (Madhushala)
never drank liquor. In reality, he had never drank liquor till the
time he completed Madhushala. He did drink, although sparingly, later
in his life, a fact that he admits to in his autobiography.
One of his inspirational poems, "agneepath" was used as the title and
the theme for the 1991 blockbuster movie Agneepath (translates: path
of fire) featuring his superstar son Amitabh Bachchan as a ruthless
mafia don. This movie was a massive success earning Amitabh Bachchan a
National Award for his performance. You can see Amitabh narrating the
poem through out the movie.
The poem describes the entire gamut of sufferings that the human race
had gone through and is going through.

Here is the actual poem :

Vriksh ho bhale ghane, ho ghane ho bade, Ek pat chhav ki mang mat,
mang mat, Agneepath Agneepath Agneepath.

Tu na thakega kabhi, tu na thamega kabhi, tu na mudega kabhi, Kar
shapath, kar shapath, kar shapath, Agneepath, Agneepath, Agneepath.

Ye mahaan drishya hai, chal raha manushya hai, Ashru swed raqt se
lathpath, lathpath, lathpath, Agneepath, Agneepath, Agneepath.
Bollywood star Abhishek Bachchan, grandson of Harivansh Rai Bachchan,
was married to Aishwarya Rai April 20th, 2007. One of Harivansh Rai
Bachchan poems regarding new beginnings was enclosed in the wedding

Monday, November 9, 2009

17 Principles of Personal Achievement by Napoleon Hill

For most of his life, Napoleon Hill lived with the conviction that every failure carried with it the seed of equivalent advantage. Here are his 17 principles for extraordinary achievement.

Lesson 1: Definiteness of Purpose
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. Without a purpose and a plan, people drift aimlessly through life.

Lesson 2: Mastermind Alliance
The Mastermind principle consists of an alliance of two or more minds working in perfect harmony for the attainment of a common definite objective. Success does not come without the cooperation of others.

Lesson 3: Applied Faith
Faith is a state of mind through which your aims, desires, plans and purposes may be translated into their physical or financial equivalent.

Lesson 4: Going the Extra Mile
Going the extra mile is the action of rendering more and better service than that for which you are presently paid. When you go the extra mile, the Law of Compensation comes into play.

Lesson 5: Pleasing Personality
Personality is the sum total of one's mental, spiritual and physical traits and habits that distinguish one from all others. It is the factor that determines whether one is liked or disliked by others.

Lesson 6: Personal Initiative
Personal initiative is the power that inspires the completion of that which one begins. It is the power that starts all action. No person is free until he learns to do his own thinking and gains the courage to act on his own.

Lesson 7: Positive Mental Attitude
Positive mental attitude is the right mental attitude in all circumstances. Success attracts more success while failure attracts more failure.

Lesson 8: Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is faith in action. It is the intense emotion known as burning desire. It comes from within, although it radiates outwardly in the expression of one's voice and countenance.

Lesson 9: Self-Discipline
Self-discipline begins with the mastery of thought. If you do not control your thoughts, you cannot control your needs. Self-discipline calls for a balancing of the emotions of your heart with the reasoning faculty of your head.

Lesson 10: Accurate Thinking
The power of thought is the most dangerous or the most beneficial power available to man, depending on how it is used.

Lesson 11: Controlled Attention
Controlled attention leads to mastery in any type of human endeavor, because it enables one to focus the powers of his mind upon the attainment of a definite objective and to keep it so directed at will.

Lesson 12: Teamwork
Teamwork is harmonious cooperation that is willing, voluntary and free. Whenever the spirit of teamwork is the dominating influence in business or industry, success is inevitable. Harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset that you can acquire in proportion to your giving.

Lesson 13: Adversity & Defeat
Individual success usually is in exact proportion of the scope of the defeat the individual has experienced and mastered. Many so-called failures represent only a temporary defeat that may prove to be a blessing in disguise.

Lesson 14: Creative Vision
Creative vision is developed by the free and fearless use of one's imagination. It is not a miraculous quality with which one is gifted or is not gifted at birth.

Lesson 15: Health
Sound health begins with a sound health consciousness, just as financial success begins with a prosperity consciousness.

Lesson 16: Budgeting Time & Money
Time and money are precious resources, and few people striving for success ever believe they possess either one in excess.

Lesson 17: Habits
Developing and establishing positive habits leads to peace of mind, health and financial security. You are where you are because of your established habits and thoughts and deeds.

—Napoleon Hill

"Sachin" - Quotes...

Few quotes on the great man SACHIN-- Don't miss the last two
·         "Destined to be a great" -  Barry Richards.
·         "He is 99.5 percent perfect. I'd pay to see him" - Viv Richards.
·         "Don't bowl him bad balls, he hits the good ones for fours" – Michael Kasprowicz.
·         "It's scary, where the hell do we bowl to him" -Allan Border.
·         "There is no shame being beaten by such a great player. We didn't lose to Team India. We Lost to Sachin Tendulkar" -Steve Waugh.
·         "If I've to bowl to Sachin, I'll bowl with my helmet on. He hits the ball so hard" - Dennis Lillee.
·         "I'd like to see him go out and bat one day with a stump. I tell you he'd do okay" -Greg Chappell.
·         "Cricketers like Sachin come once in a lifetime and I am privileged he played in my time" - Wasim Akram.
·         "The pressure on me is nothing as compared to Sachin Tendulkar. Sachin, like God, must never fail. The crowd always expects him to succeed and it is too much pressure on him" -Mark Waugh.
·         "Everybody gets 15 minutes of fame. But if there's one person I've admired over a 15-year of period, it's definitely Sachin." - Brain Lara
·         "I'll be going to bed having nightmares of Sachin just running down the wicket and belting me back over the head for six. He was unstoppable. I don't think anyone, apart from Don Bradman, is in the same class as Sachin Tendulkar. He is just an amazing player" -Shane Warne.
·         "I saw him playing on television and was struck by his technique, so I asked my wife to come look at him. Now I never saw myself play, but I feel that this player is playing much the same as I used to play, and she looked at him on Television and said yes, there is a similarity between the two... his compactness, technique, stroke production... it all seemed to gel" –Sir Donald Bradman.
·         "In an over I can bowl six different balls. But then Sachin looks at me with a sort of gentle arrogance down the pitch as if to say 'Can you bowl me another one?'" - Adam Hollioke
·         "You might pitch a ball on the off stump and think you have bowled a good ball and he walks across and hits it for two behind midwicket. His bat looks so heavy but he just waves it around like it's a toothpick? "-Brett Lee
·         "You have to decide for yourself whether you're bowling well or not. He's going to hit you for fours and sixes anyway?" -Micheal Kasprowicz
·         "Technically, you can't fault Sachin. Seam or spin, fast or slow ? Nothing is a problem?" -Geoffrey Boycott.
·         "His life seems to be stillness in a frantic world... [When he goes out to bat], it is beyond chaos - it is a frantic appeal by a nation to one man. The people see him as a God... ?" Mathew Hayden, on Sachin Tendulkar.
·         "The fact of the matter is that India still needs Sachin in a big way. All this talk of the youngsters taking over is very foolish. The reason why Tendulkar is so important for the team is because of his ability to inspire others and make them perform under pressure" - Some day on "Times of India".
And, this is the best!!! (A True fan of Sachin carried this Banner in amatch)
·         "Commit all your crimes when Sachin is batting. They will go unnoticed because even the Lord is busy watching him batting!!!."
Last but not he least. Probably the best of all.
·         "When I die I hope to see God. Today I will Settle for Tendulkar".

"A contest was organised in schools & the theme was; "THE BEST THING MY MOM EVER DID FOR ME".

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A ship sank....

  A ship sank in high seas and the following people got stranded on
   a beautiful deserted island in the middle of nowhere:

   A. 2 Italian men and 1 Italian woman
   B. 2 French men and 1 French woman
   C. 2 German men and 1 German woman
   D. 2 Greek men and 1 Greek woman
   E. 2 Polish men and 1 Polish woman
   F. 2 Mexican men and 1 Mexican woman
   G. 2 Irish men and 1 Irish woman
   H. 2 American men and 1 American woman
   I. 2 Indian men and 1 Indian woman

   One month later, on various parts of the island, the
   following was observed:

   A. One Italian man killed the other Italian man for the

   B. The two French men and the French woman are living
   happily together.

   C. The two German men have a strict weekly schedule of when
   they alternate with the German woman.

   D. The two Greek men are sleeping together, and the Greek
   woman is cooking & cleaning for them.

   E. The two Polish men took a long look at the endless ocean
   and a long look at the Polish woman, and they started swimming.

   F. The two Mexican men are talking to all the other men on
   the island trying to sell them the Mexican woman.

   G. The two Irish men began by dividing up their part of the
   island into Northern & Southern parts, and by setting up a> distillery. They do
   not remember the Irish woman because it gets sort of foggy after the
   first few liters of coconut whiskey; but at least the English are not
   getting any.

   H. The two American men are contemplating suicide. The
   American woman is bitching about her body being her own, the true
   nature of feminism, how she can do everything that they can do, about
   the necessity of fulfillment, the equal division of the
   household chores,how her last boyfriend respected her opinion and treated
   her much better, and how her relationship with her mother is improving.

   I. The 2 Indian men are still waiting for someone to introduce them to
   the Indian woman.

How bad is ur anger?


ARIES March 21 April 20:

 Nothing seems to ruffle you more than a lack of discipline, disloyalty

and decorum. But Arians are also known to go into a rage very easily when
challenged.Those of you who have been on the receiving end of the Aries temper know that if not calmed

down they can even get violent. But one thing is certain if the opponent remains
calm and does not react to their outburst, Arians cool down very fast. They are also the first to apologize, which makes them easier to

TAURUS April 21 May 20:

You are generally quiet and have control over your emotions. It is difficult to predict what will upset you, so when you do lose your
cool, people don't know how to react. Your temper is like that of a raging bull, and anyone trying to pacify you will be the first one to get a verbal
bashing. You generally get upset when you are cornered or when people accuse you of doing something wrong. You also hate
being reminded about mistakes you've made in the past. You also have the potential to be
terribly vindictive if rubbed the wrong way.

GEMINI May 21 June 20:

 You are recognized by your cheerful disposition and your jovial nature is not easily susceptible to anger. In fact, you are the best person
to have around when there is an ugly scene at a party you can bring the warring factions together quite diplomatically. But when you
lose your cool, you yell and scream and will not listen to reason. You must have the
last word in a wordy duel. Your capacity to argue aggressively is matched only
by your seductive charm.

CANCER June 21 July 21:
 Considering how charming, caring, and kind you are,you dislike unpleasant scenes, much less creating one
yourself. You have great tolerance and rarely get provoked into losing your temper. If someone is unreasonable
or trying to create trouble, you are more likely to walk away quietly. But that does not mean you do not have a temper. When angry, in your
effort to control your emotions, you tremble, your hands get sweaty, and sometimes you fumble for words. Tears roll down your eyes easily and the
opponent is touched by your innocence and will seek an apology immediately.

LEO July 22 August 21:

 If anyone has total control over their emotions, it is you. But then, you can be described as stiff, cold and uncaring. You are known to
lack spontaneity but you really don't care about opinions.You don't like to create scenes and will never accept invitations to a

party where you suspect the presence of an unruly lot. But your very presence seems challenging to some and they take vicarious pleasure in your disquiet.
When angry you can use very critical language. A dressingdown can humiliate your opponent, causing a strain between both of you forever

VIRGO August 22 September 21:

 Most of you are gentle and have full control over your emotions, but those of you given to temper tantrums can certainly get violent. When see
thing with rage, you yell and shout and tend to break things lying close at hand. You can even harm yourself by banging your hands on a glass top
table or wall. You should never get into any argument, for you are a sore loser.You feel that others are trying to persecute you and don't quite respect
your opinions. When hurt, you can also hold grudges forever. 

 LIBRA September 22 October 22:
Did someone say that you are the charmers of the zodiac? Well, it's true. Few have ever seen you ruffled or angry. You are very conscious of
your image, and you believe that anger distorts your face and personality. You also think you are above things like anger. But wait before you
get into self-congratulatory mood. Your family or those very close to you know u  better. You have an unmatched temper amongst all the zodiac signs, and
what makes it worse is your capacity to justify it.
SCORPIO October 23 November 21:

 Of course you don't lose your cool. But your very demeanor (manner) projects haughtiness (arrogance, pride), pride and grand disdain
(disregard) for lesser mortals(humans). Others are often found saying that anger sits on your nose, and you are raring to give your peace of
mind to the first person who tries to act funny with you. You are selective in the choice of your friends, and have a low tolerance for the
superfluous (extra) types. Your tongue-lashing (attack) is generally in a soft hissing tone, for when you scream your voice tends to get shrill and loud, and
you do hate drawing attention to yourself! When upset, you are angrier with yourself for having shown weakness, for the last thing that Scorpio
wants to show is being out of control.

SAGITTARIUS November-22 - December-20:

You are insensible and generally have complete no control over your emotions. You do get angry quickly and others marvel at your anger
levels even when provoked. Actually, you get tongue tied when angry and you will remove your anger waiting for the other person to calm down. Then
you will reason with your opponent and convince the other person in a very gentle manner that the whole thing was just his mistake. You're also
likely to totally sever ties with someone when you're upset with them. 

 CAPRICORN December 21 January 19:

 Few will believe that a hardcore practical and materialistic person like you is capable of sensitivity and genuine emotions.
You project a hard exterior but are actually very sensitive, a trait you successfully hide from others. You can be seething with anger but
will not betray your feelings. But then there are times that even you cannot control your temper. Under such circumstances you can shout and

scream, more with frustration at the situation than with anger at any particular person.
Your outbursts can shock others and can make them feel guilty too.

 AQUARIUS January 20 February 18:

You are noble and kind and dislike losing control over your emotions. It is very rare for you to get angry. You are also the pacifier in
situations that involve arguments. It is always your endeavour to be perfect and socially correct in your behaviour and attitude, but if misunderstood

and slighted you can give in to an angry outburst. You will shout and scream and then walk out from the scene. You cannot easily forget the
situation and will be bitter about it for a long time.

 PISCES February 19 March 20:
 The only thing that can be said about you dreamers is that you appear even more attractive when angry. You are very sensitive to others'
feelings, so you rarely hurt them. But when others tend to hurt you, then things take a nasty turn. You will yell and use harsh
words, and feel inclined to shake everything and everyone up. Your creative imagery is at its best when

angry, and you tend to get pretty dramatic. When upset, you refuse to listen to reason and wish to be left alone. But once you calm down,
you repent your tantrums and seek forgiveness. So nobody can be upset with you for too long.

Russian Balance Bar performance Amazing



Go to this site below: 
http://amazingacts. blogspot. com/2008/ 07/dont-try- this-at-home. html 

You have to see this to believe it!
This is absolutely amazing to watch...a performance on the Russian Bar,
recorded for Chinese television at the Circus Festival of Monte Carlo .
The final stunt is unbelievable! 

Are You Colorblind??

Please test yourself for colour blindness, it's important to know whether you are Colorblind or not..... !

Click the link below and take the test:

Socialism-Simple Analogy

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before 
but had once failed an entire class.
That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.
The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism. All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. 
After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. 
The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.  
As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.  
The second test average was a D! No one was happy. 
When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

The scores never increased,  as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.  
All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when government takes the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.

                 Could not be any simpler than that.


This profound short little paragraph that says it all 

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for,that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931


This is something we should all  read at least once a week!!!!! Make sure you read to the  end!!!!!!

Written By Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer,   Cleveland , Ohio

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45  lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested 
column I've ever written. 

My odometer rolled over to 90  in August, so here is the column once more:

1. Life isn't fair, but  it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small  step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.

4. Your  job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will.  Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You  don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with  someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry  with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your  first paycheck.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is  futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the  present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't  compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all  about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in  it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry;  God never blinks.

16.. Take a deep breath. It calms the  mind..

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or  joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you  stronger.

19.. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the  second one is up to you and no one else

20. When it comes to going  after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the  candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a  special 
occasion. Today is  special. 

22. Over  prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for  old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the  brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26.  Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this  matter?'

27. Always choose life. 

28. Forgive everyone  everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your  business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

31.  However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take  yourself so seriously. No one else does.

33. Believe in  miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of  anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make  the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying  young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that  truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day.  Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a  pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste  of time. You already have all you need.

42.. The best is yet to  come...

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show  up.

44. Yield. 

45. Life isn't tied with a  bow, but it's still a gift." 

Its estimated 93% won't  forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%'. 

I'm in the 7%. 

 Friends are  the family that we choose for ourselves 

Management lessons

Thanks rajesh...


Lesson 1:
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings.
The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs. When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor.
Before she says a word, Bob says, "I'll give you $800 to drop that towel, "
After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.
The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs.
When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, "Who was that?"
"It was Bob the next door neighbor," she replies.
"Great," the husband says, "did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?"
Moral of the story
If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time,you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.
Lesson 2:
A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.
The nun said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?"
The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.
The nun once again said, "Father, remember Psalm 129?"
The priest apologized "Sorry sister but the flesh is weak."
Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way.
On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129 It said, "Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory."
Moral of the story
If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.
Lesson 3:
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to lunch when they find an antique oil lamp. They rub it and a Genie comes out.
The Genie says, "I'll give each of you just one wish."
"Me first! Me first!" says the admin clerk. "I want to be in the
Bahamas , driving a speedboat, without a care in the world."
Puff!  She's gone.
"Me next! Me next!" says the sales rep. "I want to be in Hawaii , relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of Pina Coladas and the love of my life."
Puff! He's gone.
"OK, you're up," the Genie says to the manager.
The manager says, "I want those two back in the office after lunch."
Moral of the story
Always let your boss have the first say.

Lesson 4:
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing. A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, "Can I also sit like you and do nothing?"
The eagle answered: "Sure , why not."
So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.
Moral of the story
To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.
Lesson 5:
A turkey was chatting with a bull. "I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey,"but I haven't got the energy."
"Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull.
They're packed with nutrients."
The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.
The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.
Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree. He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.
Moral of the story
BullShit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.
Lesson 6:
A little bird was flying south for the Winter.It was so cold the bird froze and fell to the ground into a large field. While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize how warm he was.
The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate.
Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.
Morals of this story
(1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
(3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep your mouth shut!
Lesson 7:
Once 2 frogs came out of their well for the first time in hope of seeing the world and having some adventure. They jumped on and on and reached a nearby village and accidently fell into a bucket of milk. The first frog got scared to be in this new type of liquid, stopped jumping and so drowned and died in the milk. The second frog did not give up, and kept on jumping. After some time the milk canged to curds, and the frog was able to jump out of the milk bucket and thus survived.
Moral:– Keep trying even if you see others falling weak.
Lesson 8:
Due to summer the water from a well was almost dried off. There were many frog's in it, out of which some died and some survived. The ones who survived always tried to jump and get out of the well so that they can relocate themselves somewhere else. But all of them eventually stopped trying and died soon.
Finally only one frog was left who was continuously putting in hard efforts to come out of the well. The other frogs from their community who were outside the well shouted at him saying that "don't try to jump and come out or else even you will die like the others." But this frog never left trying.
The ones outside yelled at him, shouted against him, but this frog never left trying and finally managed to come out. All the other frog were amazed and tried to ask him about how he managed to come out. But again he never replied to them.
Finally at an instance it was discovered that the frog was Deaf and could not here. That' was the key to his success. He never heard the people yelling at him and advising him not to jump and stop trying.
All this time he always felt that all of them cheered him to boost his spirit and he kept on trying and finally managed to come out. And rest of the frog who actually heard the others stopped trying and died off.
Moral: Not every one would be motivating you or cheering you. Its up to you, "Whom to hear and whom to not."


His N Her Prayers ......

  The Woman's Poem

Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong.
One who loves to listen long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's rich and self-employed,
And when I spend, won't be annoyed.
Pull out my chair and hold my hand.
Massage my feet and help me stand.
Oh send a king to make me queen.
A man who loves to cook and clean.
I pray this man will love no other.
And relish visits with my mother.


I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with
Big tits who owns a bar on a golf course,
and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This
doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shit.

"Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." - Horace Walpole

Monday, November 2, 2009

Making Sense of China - K Subramanyam

The writer is a senior defence analyst

Making sense of China
K. Subrahmanyam

The editorial in the People's Daily of October 14 attacking India's
alleged hegemonism took the memories of senior citizens and Sinologists
back to 1959-60, when polemical articles attacking Jawaharlal Nehru
appeared in the Chinese media. In those articles Nehru was accused of
taking an aggressive line on Tibet in the expectation of aid from the
US. Nations tend to see other nations as extensions of their own
self-image. There are serious cultural problems in the Chinese
interpretation of India and Indian foreign policy.

Whenever a major power emerges the rest of the international system
voices concerns about the aggressive nature of that power. The rise of
Britain, France, Germany, US, Japan, Russia and Communist China itself
have been viewed with apprehension by other powers, and in most of those
instances there were wars. Though today all those nations, other than
China, are democracies, they were not so at the time of their emergence
as powers, except for the US. Even the US, with slavery, was only a
partial democracy. The foreign policy of a country is mostly an
extension of its domestic values. Since most of the nations listed
emerged as powers before they became full-fledged liberal democracies
their non-democratic internal values got projected in their external
policies, often resulting in aggression. Once nations get fully
democratised, their mutual animosities tend to fade as witnessed in
Europe with the formation of the European Union.

China expects to overtake the US as the nation with the highest GDP in
the next two to three decades. China today has the world's highest
foreign exchange reserves and the highest economic growth rate. They
already talk about a G-2 arrangement, sharing world financial dominance
with the US. Proposals are afloat in the Chinese strategic community
about dividing the Pacific Ocean into spheres of influence between China
and the US. Their military modernisation programme is being pushed ahead
rapidly, and is not transparent. Consequently there is concern all over
the world that a non-democratic China wants to become the untethered
hegemon first of Asia, and then of the world.

There are no such fears about India. At an April 2008 conference in
Delhi held by the International Institute of Strategic Studies the
emergence of India was greeted as a uniquely non-threatening phenomenon,
unprecedented in history. It is no surprise, since India's emergence as
a global player has come about decades after India adopted a democratic
and pluralistic constitution. It is a widely-recognised fact that
democracies do not fight each other. Today all major powers except China
are democracies. Once upon a time it used to be said that socialist
countries did not initiate wars. But China's own experience with India,
the Soviet Union and Vietnam disproves it.

China is far ahead of India economically, militarily and - in some
sectors - technologically. Still, why are they picking on India,
creating terrorism- and nuclear-related problems through their
surrogate, Pakistan? Why are they applying pressure on India and trying
to keep it off-balance on the border?

In the editorial India has been accused of having followed a "befriend
the far and attack the near" foreign policy. This perhaps is a reference
to India's wars with Pakistan and China. History has recorded that in
all these cases India did not initiate the attack but was subjected to
attacks by Pakistan and China. Pakistani attacks have been meticulously
described by Shuja Nawaz in his book Crossed Swords and a detailed
account of Chinese planning of the 1962 attack using Chinese
documentation has been made available by the American Sinologist, John
Garver. At the same time it cannot be overlooked that China also
attacked the USSR at Ussuri in 1969 and Vietnam in 1979. After
conducting annual "hate America" campaigns, pontificating on the
antagonistic contradictions between capitalism and socialism, and
promoting the strategy of "countryside surrounding the cities", China
made a complete U-turn and befriended the far-off US in 1971, gave it
bases to monitor Soviet missile tests in 1979 and allowed free access to
US multinationals. Its trade surpluses were not utilised for the benefit
of the Chinese population but invested in US bonds to enable further
credit expansion in the US and higher spending by US consumers. Which
country in recent history has done so much for a far-off friend? Deng
Xiaoping, who talked of seeking truth from facts, should be spinning in
his grave.

The Indian government discouraged jingoist views in the media. The
Chinese ambassador in India wrote an article advocating further
cooperation between the two countries pointing out that it would be in
mutual interest of both countries. That cannot be faulted. In those
circumstances why should the Chinese Communist Party embark on these
provocations, with such wholesale misrepresentation of facts? Dr
Manmohan Singh was not the first prime minister to visit Arunachal
Pradesh. Previous prime ministers had been there without evoking such
protests. We are only left to speculate on possible reasons for this
provocative behaviour.

Since the protest and the editorial came at the time of the Pakistani
prime minister's visit to Beijing, could it be an attempt to show
solidarity with the Pakistanis at a time when they are having serious
problems? Or is this a follow-up to the successful forestalling of the
Dalai Lama's meeting with President Obama? If it is an attempt to bully
India away from developing a closer relationship with either Russia
(which the prime minister is due to visit in December) or the US (which
is hosting a state visit for him in November) nothing could have been
more foolhardy. Russia has reasonable worries about Siberia and Central
Asia. The Indian defence minister just had a very fruitful visit to that
country. The US is keen on sustaining its pre-eminence in a world where
China has reduced the gap between itself and the US in the aftermath of
the recession.

Having recorded all this to clarify the misrepresentations by the
official organ of the Chinese Communist Party, it must be recognised
that India and China together constitute 40 per cent of mankind, yet
face common international challenges such as climate change, trade,
energy, food security, etc., on which they have a significant mutuality
of interests. They have a fast-growing trade and technology relationship
and their leaders have had a number of cordial interactions. There are
certain problems involving nearly a century-old status quo which need to
be handled with delicacy and care. Slanging exercises of the type
witnessed in recent weeks do not help, when indeed more steps to promote
confidence-building are called for.

"Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." - Horace Walpole


Dr. Leo Rebello



"If the people let government decide what foods they eat and
what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry
a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."

- Thomas Jefferson



"I'm convinced our modern world is not only crazier than we think, but crazier than we can possibly imagine" says Health Ranger Mike Adams of To prove this he gives the following four recent examples:


(a) The state of Minnesota orders a parent to poison her 13-year-old boy with chemotherapy because the court believes chemo is the only treatment for cancer that works (parental rights be damned). And the media goes along with it instead of questioning it.


(b) London-based epidemiologist Prof.Malcolm Law says that all those above 55 years be put on toxic blood pressure drugs, regardless of the health status of the person.  Richard McManus, from the University of Birmingham, and Jonathan Mant, from the University of Cambridge, back him. They said the findings supported the idea of giving everyone over a certain age a "polypill" - a drug that would include a statin to lower cholesterol as well as treatment for blood pressure. Law is one of the pioneers of the polypill, which he says would be an effective way to cut the number of heart attacks and strokes in the UK. Now millions will be put on "polypill".  


(c) Massachusetts Senate passes a police state law that allows for mandatory vaccinations of all citizens and a $1,000 / day fine for those who refuse to cooperate. It also legalizes health care "interrogations" of citizens, forced entry into their homes without a warrant, the on-site destruction of buildings or objects suspected of harboring the virus, the government kidnapping of family pets, "involuntary transportation" of people into quarantine camps and much more.


(d) Soy protein is contaminated with a toxic chemical solvent Hexane that's a byproduct of gasoline refining. Hexane is found in soy protein that's used in infant formula, protein bars, "veggie" burgers and other soy products. Hexane is a lethal neurotoxin.


Pat Rattigan, Naturopath, and Maggie Tuttle, HRT opponent, both from UK, report that it is the same pattern there too.  This confirms what David Icke says: The World Health Organization is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Anglo-American-Swiss pharmaceutical cartel with its interlocking leadership. The WHO tells the world there is going to be an epidemic of something or other and its controllers, the pharmaceutical corporations, would provide the vaccine. Another problem – reaction – solution and the vaccines are causing untold harm to the physical and spiritual well being of billions of people worldwide, part of population control programme.


In the developing story about the military origin of the Swine Flu H1N1 virus, an Austrian investigative journalist filed a lawsuit in Vienna (in July 2009) against the companies (Baxter and Avir), which are preparing the vaccine against the resulting pandemic on the grounds that they are preparing a global genocide designed to substantially reduce the world's population.

Jane Burgermeister, who has documented evidence of the involvement of Austrian and US firms, has collected evidence that such an agenda is currently in the process of implementation. A summary of her findings can be found at:


This sinister agenda goes back to the eugenicist history of, among others, the Rockefeller family, which had supported the Nazi's racial agenda and which today controls virtually 100% of the US bioengineering industry, as well as the UN / WHO.


If you are unaware of all this, or if you think this cannot be true, then well you are very ignorant of what is going on behind your back.


As part of the Population Control Pogrom, various wars, in the name of Health, are waged against you. Like the carpet-bombing of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, vaccines, drugs, carcinogens, steroids, statins, anti-retrovirals, antibiotics, aspartame, fluoride and other chemicals are pumped into you to control the population. More people are killed in normal times, in hospitals – by devils called doctors -- than all the war casualties put together. Michael Jackson is the recent casualty of that.


Let us look at the World Health Organisation that was put in place, ostensibly, to protect our health. Today it has become a World Harm Organisation. From the WHO 2005 declaration: (excerpted) "Under special pandemic plans enacted around the world, in 2005, national governments are to be dissolved in the event of a pandemic emergency and replaced by special crisis committees, which take charge of the health and security infrastructure of a country, and which are answerable to the WHO and EU in Europe and to the WHO and UN in North America". 


Under the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, upon the declaration of a "public health emergency," governors and public health officials would be empowered to:- * Force individuals suspected of harboring an "infectious disease" to undergo medical examinations.* Track and share an individual's personal health information, including genetic information. * Force persons to be vaccinated, treated, or quarantined for infectious diseases. * Mandate that all health care providers report all cases of persons who harbor any illness or health condition that may be caused by an epidemic or an infectious agent and might pose a "substantial risk" to a "significant number of people or cause a long-term disability." (Note: Neither "substantial risk" nor "significant number" are defined). * Force pharmacists to report any unusual or any increased prescription rates that may be caused by epidemic diseases. * Preempt existing state laws, rules and regulations, including those relating to privacy, medical licensure, and property rights. * Control public and private property during a public health emergency, including pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, nursing homes, other health care facilities, and communications devices. * Mobilize all or any part of the "organized militia into service to the state to help enforce the state's orders." Ration firearms, explosives, food, fuel and alcoholic beverages, among other commodities. * Impose fines and penalties to enforce their orders.


Simultaneously comes the news that "scientists are now claiming a breakthrough in finding a new way to create sperm, using stem cells from a 5-day old human male embryo". This is being hailed as an amazing medical technology breakthrough that could help treat infertility.

But is there really a shortage of sperm in the world? In an age where overpopulation of the planet, they say, is already destroying our natural world and consuming non-renewable resources, it seems absurd to be spending time, money and effort coming up with a new way to create sperm.

The arrogance of medical scientists in this sperm scam is simply asinine. They are proud in having invented a way to artificially create sperm or artificially inseminate a woman. But after a hundred years of medical domination, they have yet to create a single cure for anything: Cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, Alzheimer's, kidney stones or a thousand other health conditions. They have not made anyone healthy, but by focusing on infertility technology, they can dream up new ways to bring yet more unhealthy customers into the world.

These 'sickos' who cannot think beyond insane profits, have also turned pregnancy (a natural phenomenon) into a disease -- evidenced by the way pregnant women are rushed into hospitals for all sorts of poking, prodding and blood testing. There is no willingness in modern medicine to simply let pregnancy, childbirth or fertility happen naturally. It's all about intervention and profits. As if 2.3 trillion dollar annual health budget was not enough, US President (Obama) wants to give another 1.6 trillion dollars so that every American can have access to this rotten medical system that cannot cure anything from common cold to cancers. 


It is high time, says Robert Butts of that we can solve any high profit problem by deprofitising the problem. But the septuagenarian committed to Water Cure and Salt Treatment, like several others, does not understand the cloak and dagger Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry.


The governing principles of the medicine mafia

1. The laboratory and marketplace for the 'Pharmaceutical Industry' is the human body. Thus, maintaining and expanding diseases is a precondition for the growth of this industry. By last count, the medicine mafia has invented about 30,000 diseases.


2. 'Pharma' was artificially created and strategically developed over an entire century by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries.

3. The huge profits of this industry are based on the patenting of new drugs. These patents essentially allow drug manufacturers to arbitrarily define the profits for their products.

4. A key strategy to accomplish this goal is the development of drugs that merely mask symptoms while avoiding the curing or elimination of diseases. This explains why most prescription drugs marketed today have no proven efficacy and merely target symptoms.

5. To further expand their market, the drug companies are continuously looking for new applications for the use of drugs they already market. For example, Bayer's pain pill Aspirin is now taken by over 50 million healthy US citizens under the illusion it will prevent heart attacks.

6. Another key strategy is to cause new diseases with drugs. While merely masking symptoms short term, most of the prescription drugs taken by millions of patients today cause a multitude of new diseases as a result of their known long-term side effects. For example, all cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market are known to increase the risk of developing cancer.

7. The known deadly side effects of prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death in the industrialized world, surpassed only by the number of deaths from heart attacks, cancer and strokes (Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998).


8. Prevention and root cause treatment of diseases decrease long-term profitability; therefore, they are avoided or even obstructed by this industry.

9. Vitamins and other effective natural health therapies that optimize cellular metabolism threaten the pharmaceutical "business with disease" because they target the cellular cause of today's most common diseases - and these natural substances cannot be patented.

10. To protect the strategic development of its investment business against the threat from effective, natural and non-patentable therapies, the pharmaceutical industry has – over an entire century - used the most unscrupulous methods, such as:

(a) Withholding life-saving health information from millions of people; for example, Vitamin C is available in fruits, vegetables and herbs in plenty and it can prevent and cure cancers without any costly intervention.

(b) Discrediting natural health therapies. The most common way is through global PR campaigns organized by the Pharma-Cartel that spread lies about the alleged side effects of natural substances used for millennia. Or lies of homeopathy being placebo, etc.

(c) Banning by law the dissemination of information about natural health therapies. To that end, the pharma industry has placed its lobbyists in key political positions in key markets and leading drug export nations.

11. Pharma business is the biggest deception and fraud in human history. The product "health" promised by drug companies is not delivered. Instead, the "products" most often delivered are the opposite: new diseases and frequently, death of millions.

12. The survival of the pharma industry is dependent on the elimination by any means of effective natural health therapies. These traditional and natural therapies have become the treatment of choice for millions of people despite the combined economic, political and media opposition of the world's largest investment industry.


You see we are doing everything to help you is the usual refrain.  Fluoridation, for example, gives you Germ Free Aqua Pura.  Wow, Really? Let us look at this claim.


Fluoridation is a practice in which a relatively small number of people, with limited scientific qualifications, are intent on fluoridating drinking water supplies worldwide with very little to no understanding of fluoride's toxicology. http://www.FluorideAlert.Org

Global Consultation on Oral Health through Fluoride. The worldwide ambitions of this dental lobby was revealed in November 2006 when the WHO (supported with a lot of cash from the US as well as the sugar lobby), IADR (for whom the fluoridation practice represents the gravy train for dental research) and the FDI (funded by the toothpaste, sugar, pharmaceutical and chemical industries) organized the "Global Consultation on Oral Health through Fluoride" in Geneva and Ferney Voltaire, 17-19 November 2006. These bodies (WHO, IADR and FDI) issued a declaration containing this preposterous phrase: "universal access to fluoride for dental health is a part of the basic human right to health."

Fluoride was first used in the concentration camps of WW2 to keep the prisoners subdued and sterile. If you do not believe they mean to calm us all by this method, please consider the fact that moods altering medications or calmers, such as, Prozac, are around 94% fluoride.

The chemicals used to 'wash' the waste product from the fertilizer/aluminium/bomb making industries are still in relevant quantities within this gunk when they add it to the water. Arsenic, silicon, mercury to name a few.

So consider, a very expensive to dispose of, toxic waste, is bought by our taxes to add to the water to help our teeth (our children's teeth). We drink that water and absorb even more by washing in it, and more still by washing our skin with toiletries containing Sodium laurel sulphate (used to increase the absorption of medicines via the skin) and spill the rest into the rivers and lakes.

In the mean time, more and more people die of cancer, Alzheimer's, osteosarcoma etc, fertility is reduced lowering the birth rate. Someone who dies from smoking-induced cancer is listed as dying from cancer, not smoking. Someone who has fluoride induced cancer...cancer instead of fluoride poisoning.


Laws have been made to protect the pharma and water companies from lawsuits for mishaps or damages. Even fluorosis of the teeth (affecting approx. 78% of kids in Ireland) is listed as being cosmetic, not treatable under the NHS dental services. So when your 7-year old gets his first adult teeth and they are muddy brown you won't get treatment for it from your tax money, and when he gets osteosarcoma in his late teens, the NHS can refuse treatment on grounds of costs.


Eleanore Dunn, Nutritionist, comments: "All these things lead to the destruction of the probiotics, the metabolizers in our bodies that make the elements bio-available.  Every day we need a brand new supply. The use of chemicals, toxins, pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics needs to stop before we loose the planet.  Everything alive on the planet needs probiotics to survive.  We need to focus on this issue since it is the root cause of all of the diseases.  We need to clean the water with hydrogen peroxide since a virus, bacteria, pathogen or cancer cannot survive in a liquid oxygen environment.  This is the cure for swine flu, cancer, AIDS, etc. and is so easy to prove scientifically.  So, let us address the problem within a very short time available with us. Just have them test the rainwater for probiotics as they create our hydrogen peroxide, the immune system".


Now since they say Swine Flu is raging, let us do quick calculations. Assuming you believe the vaccine works, it turns out you would have to vaccinate 200,000 people to prevent the death of just one person from swine flu. And vaccinating 200,000 people would probably result in the harm or death of several just from the vaccine side effects. But it will mean trillions of dollars of profit. Juggling further on the math on swine flu vaccine, it turns out you have a 40 times greater chance of being struck by lightning than being saved by the swine flu vaccine.


If any further proof of 'pharma con' is required, this message received on 1st Sept. 2009, via email should put the nail in the coffin of the killer Pharma industry.


Hello! I am the author of the book "The Medical Mafia". Among the many topics mentioned in this volume, I was revealing the ineffectiveness and dangers of vaccination. At that time, I was a practicing physician in Quebec, Canada, under the name of Ghislaine Lanctôt, and the owner of numerous medical clinics. Because of my professional status, my words weighed significantly in the public eye. The Medical Board's reaction was immediate and strong. Its leaders demanded that I resign as a physician. I answered that I would do so as long as they could prove that what I had written was false. The Medical Board replied with a call for my expulsion.


An 11-day trial followed (1995), where I appeared without any lawyer. The arguments rested mainly on vaccination. As I witnessed the disproportionate reaction of the Medical Board, I realized that, for the health establishment, the subject of vaccination was taboo. Unknowingly, I had opened a Pandora's box. I discovered that, despite official claims, vaccines have nothing to do with public health. Underneath the governmental stamp of approval, there are deep military, political and industrial interests.


Throughout the trial, the Medical Board brought many physicians as public health "experts". During the cross-examination of one of these, Dr. Richard Massé, I used an episode from the March 11, 1979, 60 Minutes TV show from CBS, which was given to me privately by a supporter. This episode talked about the tragic and massive vaccination in USA during the 1976 swine flu outbreak. The answer made by the court president (judge) after viewing this episode is on page 70 of the book The Trial of the Medical Mafia.


None of the physicians who were present during the trial took this information seriously. Since this trial, these same physicians have continued their career in public health and now hold hon'ble positions. They are the very ones who are pushing the public toward a new worldwide epidemic. This A(H1N1) pandemic is concocted and orchestrated by the WHO, and serves the same military, political and industrial interests as those of 1976. Have these physicians lost their memory, or were they serving those interests right from the beginning?

I am emerging from a long silence on the subject of vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes involved are huge. The consequences may spread much further than anticipated.


Here are the most important ones:

* Compulsory inoculation of vaccines containing a deadly virus.
* Massive and targeted reduction of the world population.
* Through vaccines, possible introduction of tiny microchips for mind control.
* Establishment of martial law and police state.
* Activation of the concentration camps built to accommodate the rebellious.
* Transfer of power from all nations to a single United Nations government.
* Fulfillment of the .New World Order.
Take a look at the 1979 60 Minutes episode link below.
It includes the governmental TV propaganda that was used in USA at the time to push the massive vaccination that followed.

See Page 70 of the book The Trial of the Medical Mafia by Ghislaine Lanctot at  "She has decided to take sanyas. She has given up her identity cards, bank accounts, insurance, driver's license and has decided to let her Canadian passport lapse and was just released from jail. I wonder how this 66-year old lady will survive. This is how Medicine Mafia operates" wrote Thomas Victor, an Indian-American Health Activist, to me, in Sept. 2009.


Louis Pasteur, originator of the "Germ Theory" of disease on which the concept of vaccines are predicated, recanted his entire theory on his death bed when he capitulated to his biggest critic, Antoine Beauchamp, by saying "The germ is nothing, the terrain is everything".  By "terrain" Pasteur was referring to the amount of dissolved oxygen in the body. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his discovery that no virus, no pathogen can survive in an oxygen rich environment. This finding has been massively suppressed by the pharmaceutical industry, which is the biggest con of our times and yet it has the stranglehold of "religion" on the minds of even well educated people.


John Hammell, President of the International Advocates of Health Freedom, in an email of 06 July 2009, cautioned me to visit USA at my risk. He wrote, inter alia, "Those who perpetrated 9-11 crime are capable of doing anything. Their goal is to force us into a Global Totalitarian State with everyone under electronic mind control- see Their motto is "Ordo Ab Chao". They create chaos in order to consolidate their power in its aftermath. This place is an evil run by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski who are capable of doing anything. Brzezinski is President Obama's Foreign Policy Advisor. That bas***d was recruited by David Rockefeller to help him found the Trilateral Commission after he read his book Between Two Ages- America's Role in the Technotronic Society. I have read this book. Brzezinski wants a global totalitarian state, and he wants us all to be microchipped slaves".


Hammell wrote further:  "FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) has set up morgues all over the USA and has been stockpiling millions of coffins. These plastic coffins can each hold 3 corpses and you can see an in-depth report on this at" and added, "I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, distrusting both parties due to the realization that both are controlled by the Shadow Govt string pullers in the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations".     


Virologist Bill Deagle, MD was approached by the CIA a few years ago wanting his help to develop a weaponized flu and weaponized vaccine for population control purposes. After pouring over their documents he refused to help them and at the risk to his life became a whistleblower.  He has been working very hard via his website, radio shows, and articles to alert all Americans to refuse the coming mandatory "swine flu" vaccine. See Jeff Rense interviewing Bill on


If what is recorded above is real, in the last quarter of 2009 you may be in jail or in the concentration camp and more people may be decimated than the sheep slaughtered during Christmas season, as Codex Alementarius will come into effect on the midnight of 31st December 2009, which will mean: Quality nutrients would be banned and only foods that were GMO, irradiated, hormone or antibiotic infused etc. would be available. Toxic chemicals presently banned would be allowed, and, of course, pharmaceuticals not touched at all.


Mahesh Bhatt, Indian filmmaker, adds a new dimension to the growing rage against GM food. In the film, Poison on the Platter, he says the health hazards of genetically modified food would dwarf all catastrophes like nuclear attack, floods, cyclones and the world wars. It is bioterrorism, he emphasizes, and it has the potential to wipe out life from the planet, in its entirety.

Harm from GM food is not a myth, says Bhatt as he portrays the havoc wrought by the GM food supplement L-Tryptophan on American Citizens. Jeffrey Smith, author of the highly acclaimed book Genetic Roulette, recounts it led to scores of deaths and thousands were taken ill by the time the source of the problem was discovered.

"Are Indians GM free?" The audience is horrified as he heads to a supermarket in India and points out food packets containing corn and soya, imported from the USA. More than 70% of these crops are genetically modified in the USA, Bhatt points out. He also talks about Canola and food imported from other countries where GM food has been allowed.

Dr Gregory Damato gives an idea about what GM food can do to us. He says that the recent scientific studies prove: 

(a) There is no increase in yield with GM. (b) Gene insertion has unintended cascading effects. (c) One gene insertion
can have more than one uncontrolled effect. (d) Decrease in fertility, very serious and deep-rooted immunolgical

changes, and allergies. (e) A single gene insertion caused uncontrolled changes in 1016 genes of mice under experimentation.
(f) The after effects were more pronounced in the third generation. (g) Emergence of newly expressed proteins with allergenic

potential.Let us not destroy our food. Let us not destroy the future of the coming generations. Let us not bow down to the
diktats of any force. Let us take on these hyenas. For, it is our children, our future that is at stake here.


To see How a Cold War on Your Health is going on, I want you to click on which ostensibly exposes the plan to exterminate over 1/2 of the world's population. This video informs that Codex Alimentarius (a huge bureaucratic monstrosity is a trade commission with no legal standing) was put to control the world through control of the food supply. It is a

threat to the freedom of people to choose natural healing and alternative medicine and nutrition.


Here are some telling quotes, which totally expose the mentally deranged, morally corrupt, spiritually compromised people and their preposterous plan to reduce world's population to merely 500 million by the year 2012 because of their insatiable greed:-


Henry Kissinger: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries". -

"World population needs to be decreased by 50%"

Here is how Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (Philippos of Greece and Denmark; born 10 June 1921) the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, exposes himself: "If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower the human population levels".  

Then we have the kingpin David Rockefeller leaving nothing to conjecture when he talks of reducing the world population: "War and famine would not do. Instead, diseases offered the most efficient and fastest way to kill the billions that must soon die if the population crisis is to be solved. AIDS is not an efficient killer because it is too slow. My favourite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world's population is airborne Ebola, because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. We've got airborne diseases with 90 percent mortality in humans. For every one who survives, he will have to bury nine".

It was David Icke, who unfolded their sinister plan in The Biggest Secret, 1998: "The plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war, either by stimulating the Muslim world into a "Holy War" against the West, or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both".

"One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine" said Sir William Osler (1840-1919, who is considered to be the father of modern medicine. In this comprehensive article (and other related articles in this book), I have made a strong case to avoid all chemical medicines, synthetic vitamins, artificial sweeteners, food additives, preservatives, dangerous vaccines, narcotic and psychotropic substances. We need to wake up to fight this war on our health, now, for tomorrow may be too late.



Allopathy has failed in everything. Infact, it has created more diseases due to over prescription (iatrogenic diseases). Here are some of the instances :

Cancer - they have no answer. By the time they classify and sub-classify, the patient dies!

Chemotherapy is the only line of treatment, which is worse than the disease.
Common Cold - oh, it will take seven days with or without medicine!
Asthma - take the pump and make it permanent. Wife may be divorced, but
pump, no way! Pump will go with you in your coffin if you follow Allopathy.
Diabetes - you have to live with it! Because diabetologists have to live too!
Parkinsonism - we are working!
Muscular Dystrophy - no solution in sight!
Migraine - it is a headache we are still breaking our heads on!
Epilepsy - let us remove part of the lobe! (Treatment worse than the disease).
Obesity - liposuction (and also pocket suction!)
Piles - chop them ten times without attending to the root cause: constipation.
Small boobs - silicon implant (which shifts soon after the implant).
Acidity - take antacids! (and no advice on do's and don't of correct eating!).
Liver Problem - you may continue drinking as long as you take Liv-52
(incidentally Liv-52 is an Ayurvedic medicine which Allopaths freely prescribe and themselves take!)
Gases - oh, not again! We too get them! Tell them about pawan-muktasan/makarasan and they ask what is it?
Is it scientific to do Yoga? Any research papers? And such crap.
HIV/AIDS - we have found the strains, not the virus as yet and we are working on a vaccine! Ask them, have you heard of Veggie Vaccines, Homeopathic Vaccines and they look askance instead of educating themselves.

I can give you hundreds of such examples of Allopathic failure. As I have said Allopathy is a pseudo-science and only very few allopathic practitioners will own up, though they always bring their families to us!

"Life is a comedy for those who think... and a tragedy for those who feel." - Horace Walpole